Since the previous challenge we had encountered, we had been giving two days by the elders to gain our strengths back for the upcoming challenge . I had rested well and was ready for any challenge that I might encounter, well so I thought not knowing that it was the last challenge for a reason which was that it was the most toughest of all the other challenges.The challenge was about non other than the most scariest thing a person would imagine which was that person's fears and in this challenge we had to face our fears.

The challenge started with us being taken to a room in which had been filled with virtual reality sensors around each corner of the room and also we being given wrist bands connected to our spinal cords which could tap into our deepest fears. I felt that there wasn't any need for being hooked up, I mean the elders could just have asked us what we were most afraid of and then simulated it but they always knew better so I assumed or I knew that they would have a good reason for anything they did.

The challenge had now begun said the elders. We suddenly were then transported to a deserted looking area at least that was what we thought . To us it felt like a deserted area but it was only the wrist bands projecting an image of a deserted area in our minds since it was connected to our spinal cords. It looked very scary with no people around, It looked like the whole place had been wrecked with cars being destroyed and chattered on the floors , budings being dismantled and a bush looking area at the front facing us . Although we didn't know it at that time , the place or area would have come from a particular person's fears but we had no idea and just thought the elders had rigged up a place to frighten us and yes it did frighten us but that was not the case. We were huddled up and close to each other in a spot , we didn't want to move or go anywhere but we knew we had to to get past this challenge. So we constructed plans, our first plan was to never splitting because splitting up could lead to our fears individually attacking us and then we might fail the challenge. The second plan was to establish the fact that we would have to be brave although we might encounter our deepest fears. At the moment we would have to face our fears. The third plan was that have to be fully equipped to face our fears so we scaveged the ground for tools that we could use. With the plans in our heads we could now move on, and so we did.

We firstly went forward into the bush filled area , it looked like a forest and was really scary as the day went dimmer and dimmer into the night. There we heard an omjnous sound , it sounded like an obscure tone and at the sound of the tone, we started being ducked in by the sand , apparently the huge man Henry's worst fear was to be sucked in by quick sand . Luckily fir us the princess was not standing in the area of the quick sand and went to get us a rope to pull us out , the rope didn't work because she didn't have the strength to pull us out from there so she went to find an effective but light broken tree seeing as they were a lot of them around and then put it abkve the quick sand in which we held on to it and then she stomped on it so it wiuld give us some space to come out and we did come out.

We then went depper into the forest and witnessed a sight that was so terrible and that no one should ever see , we saw the king and the queen dreaded with blood and in death were hung on a tree . The sight was so horrible, It was more horrible to the princess because her worst fear was to see her parents die maybe if we failed or didn't have enough time to save them . She began crying and knelt down on the floor , shouting out why!! Continuously for about 10 minutes and I couldn't blame her , If I should ever see my parents dead I would lose all hope but then she hastily stood up reminded by the fact that this was simply an illusion and that she knew that we weren't going to fail because we were very close to obtaining victory.

Then the whole team followed her as she went ahead and I acknowledge her courage of just seeing her parents dead but still wanting to go on , I would be devastated if that happened to me and i.might not even want to complete the challenge but she was very brave to continue. We were finally out of the forest and just Infront of us , we encountered the next challenge then that same ominous sound rang , I then wondered if those sounds were to inform us that something was coming but then I also wondered why it since come up when we say princess stellas parents, It seemed rather confusing but I just went on for now but was still going to figure it out.

As I was saying , we left the forest and then met the next challenge which was an abandoned hospital, It looked very scary and looked like it had been abandoned for years. On seeing the hospital, Marco started shaking and uttering out the words 'impossible' he squared close to the ground , shaking and kept on saying impossible continuously. He couldn't even go ahead at that point , he then said that he had only seen this hospital in his dreams , he doesn't know how or where he has seen it before but that it was a death hospital who took patients to kill them. In the real word he had gone to meet a lot of philanthropists to explain or tell him why he kept seeing this hospital and they had only been able to say it was because of his hatred for hospitals. Marco never liked hospitals , he did tell me one particular time but since then I had forgotten to mention it , he says he hated taking medicines and staying on hospital beds , the fact that made his hatred for hospitals grow even more was that his father had died in a hospital and now Marco only had a mather and a grandmother to stay with him . In his household, he isn't finally sound in other words he is poor so he, his mother and his grandmother have to manage every resource available just for him to eat . Bact to the hospital story , he didn't want to follow us in because he had already experienced it several times in his dreams and anyone he brings in with him dies. He doesn't remember the faces of the people he brings in with him Everytime as he wakes up but he remembers that they all die. On hearing this the whole team started to step back and Christina even wanted to turn back because she was very much afraid of death. But when she tried to go back everything was gone , they wasn't any forest nor any trail of how to go back so she came back and stayed but no one wanted to enter the death hospital even I felt a little reluctant to enter. Then I swallowed up my fear and thought to myself that it was time for a speech to Litten up their moods. I said

"I know everyone is very afraid of this part of the challenge , I was too but I swallowed up my fear and wanted to move on , Everyone hear prefers to love than to die of course, some of us hear might still think we might not make it on time so there isn't any point in trying but even if you are not here to save this world, be hear to save your world and your loved ones knowing that you cane here for a reason and you want to fullfil that reason , you don't want to go out when you ahave already reached this far and accomplished so much".

When everyone heard their speech , it lightened their moods , even Marco that felt the most afraid was ready to face his fear and we were now ready to move on. Whatever fear we encounter , we were going to face it and finish this challenge.