You're not deaf, are you?!

"Isabella! What are you doing!"

Naomi is a Fine Arts teacher at the age of twenty-four. She was looking at David with her eyes squinted through her glasses.

Naomi took David's book, which was already in her arms with one hand, while the other hand stretched straight towards the table. She had to bend down to see Isabella's face at that moment.

Naomi's hair is long and wavy dark brown, and when she bends down some of it goes past her shoulders. A pair of beautiful brown eyes stared at David's face. A face that actually belonged to Isabella.

"Isabella! Hh..! You're not pretending to be deaf, are you?" Naomi reached one hand towards David's face,

"Ah... this is what makes you unable to focus! Since when have you been wearing these earphones?"

"Hah..! What...! Give it back to me!" said David, who had woken up from his daydream. He got up from his seat, with both hands already stretched out towards the Fine Arts teacher.

"You can't use this device while you're still in class, Bella! And who are you connected to!" The curious Naomi put the earphones in her right ear.

"Don't! You can't do that! You...! dammit...!" cursed David without realizing it.

"Bella! Did you just swear at me! I'm going to punish you for your rude remarks! And... Hello... who am I talking to?" asked Naomi, trying to speak.

Far away in a meeting room, Isabella who was in her father's body was shocked when she heard the voice of a teacher she knew.

"Miss. Naomi? Is that you?" he said suddenly. Yet at that time, the meeting room was quiet, and all eyes turned to him in surprise.

"What? You... you know my name. Who is this?" Naomi spoke more fiercely. She didn't care if there was Isabella who kept trying to reach the communication tool she was using.

"Isabella, can you sit still. I wonder who you're talking to!" Naomi said firmly and put one index finger in Bela's face.

"What! No... give it to me!" David shouted in annoyance.

"Wait, what's the matter!" Isabella stood up suddenly. And it looked very strange because in the meeting room there was only him standing.

Ryan looked at David's figure in confusion. "Ehem..." he cleared his throat with a smile because of David's strange behavior. "Is there a problem, David?"

"Uhmm... Nothing. And Miss. Naomi? I'm Isabella's father. Can you let me talk to my daughter?" Isabella asked, and finally, she started playing her part.

"What? You called your daughter when we were in a meeting?" Ryan chirps, almost in disbelief.

"Shhh...! Hey... handsome guy. Can you shut up for a second? This call is very important!" Isabella put one index finger in Ryan's face.

The man stared even more dumbfounded, but Ryan complied and stopped asking.

Isabella was able to focus again at that time, "So... where is she... Uhm... I mean my daughter, Isabella," she continued talking to Naomi.

"I'm so sorry. But you can't call your daughter at will during class," Naomi replied annoyed. "And..."


"Hello... hello...?!" Naomi was even more surprised when she realized that she was no longer talking to the person she thought was Isabella's father.

It turned out that David had turned it off via his cell phone, "Good luck if it didn't work earlier," he thought, grinning at Naomi.

"I'm sorry, Miss. Naomi," David said, trying to show his guilty face.

"I know you don't regret what you just did, Bella. After this class is over, you have to face me in the teacher's room. Do you understand, Miss Bella?" Naomi narrowed her eyes even more, and David nodded quickly.

Ethan looked at Isabella with a surprised look because his best friend had been acting strange all day.

Robby turned to Ethan, "What's with her today. She's so weird, isn't she?"

"I don't know. I didn't dare ask her. See! She's in a really bad mood today," Ethan replied, shrugging his shoulders.

Then the two students turned to Isabella at the same time. It turned out that the girl was looking at the two of them with an angry and annoyed face.

David used two of his fingers, then he moved as if slicing his throat.

"Just watch out!" David said quietly and put on the face of a psychopath.


The Meeting Room was still silent when all eyes turned to the figure of David was still grumbling incoherently.

"Is she causing trouble at school! Just watch out, Dad!" Isabella grumbled in annoyance.

"David?" Ryan tried to call him, but his efforts were in vain because Isabella hadn't woken up from her daydream.

"David?!" This time, Ryan called with a louder voice.

"YES!" Isabella was surprised and made an annoyed expression. "Why are you shouting like that!"

"I'm so sorry, David. But, can we continue this meeting?" he asked again with a more serious face than before.

"Hhh... what exactly do you want from this meeting?" Isabella asked and was already looking frustrated.

"Of course, the decision is the result of this meeting. So... do you agree with all my proposals, because if not, we have to..."

"Stop explaining!" Isabella again gave one index finger and pointed at Ryan.

"I agree, so... let's end today's meeting," Isabella continued.

"What? You... you're not crazy, are you!" Ryan is more distrustful of the answer. As long as he'd known David, and he'd always been against his every decision.

"You're so weird, you know! Maybe you're the one who's crazy. You heard what I just said!" Isabella walked closer to Ryan.

Isabella took her hand and gave a firm handshake to the man, who was still looking at her in surprise.

"What's this for?" Ryan asked in surprise.

"Aren't adults happy to shake hands? And this means I have to end our meeting," Isabella replied, blinking her eyes in an overly cheerful manner.

"And all of you," Isabella looked at the meeting attendees, who were just as confused.

"The meeting is over. Sorry if I have to end today's meeting. Because...because..." she seemed to be thinking of making up an excuse.

"Because of what?" Ryan replied with a frown still visible on his forehead, feeling very strange about David's attitude that day.

"Because... there's something else that's very... very... very important and I have to take care of as soon as possible," Isabella continued to explain.

After delivering speeches and farewells that are too short. Isabella immediately left the meeting room. She had even left the Mahendra Building. Go somewhere with a private driver who will take her to the place.


At school.

David walked over with a sour face. There is no rest time that he can enjoy when he gets orders from a teacher who is his homeroom teacher.

At lunch, that day he had to meet with Naomi, explain the mistakes he had made.

"Damn it! I'm a David Mahendra. Why do I have to be in the teacher's room?!" he grumbled in annoyance as he had just arrived at the entrance of the teacher's room.

"Tch..! Fine. We'll end today as well, whatever she wants to talk about," said David annoyed, and puffed his chest high while putting on his haughty face.

"Isabella? Why do I have to be in your body? Damn..!" David grumbled and was ready to knock on the door.