David: "I want to meet you at the hotel"

The morning was still too dark, where the workers had just started their activities. But the Mahendra Residence was shocked by the screams of two people coming from the second floor.

"YOU!" Pointing David at Bella.

"DAD! YOU..?! YOU'RE BACK TO YOUR BODY!" Bella said with an incredulous face.

"Huh..! I thought you became a wandering spirit. Why didn't that happen anyway!?!" Bella thought earnestly.

One of David's index fingers landed on Bella's nose. He pressed so hard, and he could feel the little nose twitch. David immediately withdrew his hand, and he gave Bella a sinister look.

"This isn't a dream," said David, grinning strangely.

"That's stupid," Bella cursed softly with a scornful face on her father.

"What are you saying?" David asked because he didn't hear what Bella said.

Bella's smile widened with an overly sweet attitude that she rarely showed for David.

"No, I didn't say anything,"

"What are you doing here?" asked David, already showing the curtness that Bella usually accepted.

"I just wanted to make sure that ..." Bella moved her face forward with one index finger that she wiggled for David to come closer to hers.

"What?" Surprisingly David complied and brought his face closer to Bella's.

"I wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy," Bella whispered back.

David immediately straightened up. For some reason hearing the word crazy made him offended.

"So... you mean that I'm the crazy one?"

"Huh? Why are you offended? Are you lost your mind, Dad?" asked Bella in surprise.

"Of course not!"

"Ohh, it's good that it's like that. Well..., just think of it as a bad dream. Never mind, you're just interrupting my time. I have to go to school and get ready immediately. Bye, Dad," Bella said, turning her back.

Bella's hands were behind her back, and she walked away humming happily.

David watched his daughter slowly disappear as he descended the stairs,

"That little witch! How can she act so pretentious in front of me!" said David annoyed as he closed and slammed the bedroom door.

Lily - the maid, had just climbed a few stairs. She was worried about the commotion in the morning, which she believed was going on between Bella and her father.

"Morning, Lily," Bella greeted cheerfully, causing Lily to stare in surprise and stop in her tracks as she climbed the steps.

"Mor...morning, Miss Bella? Are you all right? I heard a commotion earlier. Did Mr. David scold you? Did he give punishment or..."

"Lily..! What's wrong with you today? Nothing happened between dad and me, even he looks so ridiculous, and..." Bella seemed to be thinking about finding the right words to describe the figure of David that she hated so much.

"And... so stupid, maybe because he's too old."

Bella's words just now made Lily stunned in disbelief.

"Miss Bella. Where did you learn to say such a rude thing?"

"Oops... sorry. I promise I won't do it again. Ahh, I want breakfast, Lily. After that, I'm going to take a shower. I beg you, can I have breakfast first. Can I?" Bella's eyes sparkled, and a look full of hope was visible.

"Yes, of course, Miss Bella," Lily answered confusedly.

She saw Bella continue her steps down the stairs while humming cheerfully.

"What's the matter with her lately? Last night Miss. Bella looks annoyed and doesn't want to finish her dinner. But now? She looks happy and hungry instead?" Lily looked thoughtful.

"I have to discuss this with Felix. This is very serious," she said confidently.

After breakfast which is too early, and after cleaning herself, Bella already looked ready in her proper school uniform.

She even remembered that today was an important day for the little baseball game she was going to do with her classmates.

"Good morning, Miss Bella," said Felix, who had just opened the door and glanced at his watch.

Felix frowned in confusion, "Isn't it too early for you to go to school, Miss Bella?" Felix asked when he was in the driver's seat.

"Yes, I know. Can't I leave earlier, Felix?"

"Of course, you can, Miss Bella. It's good to see you in this spirit, don't worry because you'll be arriving earlier than anyone today." Felix immediately started his car engine and took Bella away from the Mahendra Residence yard.


Lily had just tidied up the dinner plate used by Bella earlier. At that moment, she saw David's plate was still clean and shiny.

"Won't Mr. David have breakfast?" she muttered under her breath as she walked out of the room.

Luckily, Lily managed to break her footsteps. Otherwise, she could have collided with David, who seemed in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, Mr. David," said Lily bowing respectfully.

"Your breakfast is ready. I can...."

"I won't have time for breakfast. But I need my coffee. Can you make it, and ..." David glanced at his watch.

"Three minutes! I need my coffee in three minutes. I'll be waiting in the car, and remember, Lily," David's gaze became vile, to the point of shrinking Lily's feelings at that moment.

"Yes, Mr. David?"

"I don't like being late. So.., make sure I can get my coffee in three minutes and no more," David explained with a sinister face.

Glek...! Lily swallowed her own saliva.

David had already turned around and didn't give Lily a chance to answer. Was she up to it or not?

"What's wrong with him? Yesterday he smiled so widely that it made me shudder. But now? He's back to being a more sinister monster," Lily muttered, feeling confused.

"Wake up, Lily! Remember, you only have three minutes." Soon Lily was back in the kitchen and prepared the coffee David wanted.


In the car.

The private driver saw David through the rearview mirror of the car. He thought if he saw the familiar figure of David. But was in a worse mood than before.

"Shit...! Damn...!" David tossed the report in his lap.

The worksheets paper were scattered beside David. David glanced annoyed as he received the report sent by his secretary.

"Just watch out, Bryan! Damn you!"

Don't know how many times David cursed, even though it was still morning and he had just started his activities.

"You shouldn't be holding this project. Are you aiming for an important position in this company! Huh... I know you're sneaky, Bryan!" David looked annoyed and looked out the window.

"At least I'm back in my body!" said David grinning happily.

"And I'm going to clean up all this mess!"

David's cell phone suddenly rang loudly, interrupting his thoughts immediately. He saw the name of a woman he didn't recognize. But why can it be saved on his cell phone contacts?

"Yes? Chintya?" David replied, tried remembering...

"Who is Chintya?" he thought in confusion.

A woman's voice sounded spoiled in David's ears. And he could already guess what type of woman he was talking to at the moment.

"Yes, Chintya?"

"This lunch? With you?" David grinned happily.

He already knew where the woman was talking that he couldn't identify properly.

"Okay. But I want to meet you at the hotel. How, can you do that?" asked David, and it seemed he had not satisfied his male desire in a long time.