Unsolved Mysteries

Again and again. Bella felt her body hit by something, so she fell and heard a loud "bug" sound.

Bella felt the floor so cold. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the view of the pink room.

Bella slowly opened her eyes and realized that she was in her bedroom.

"Ahh ... my head feels heavy," she said while massaging her forehead.

"Wow... well... how does it feel to be in the loop of time.? It's great that you didn't vomit, and you can still be conscious," said Theodor bowing while watching Bella.

"Actually, I feel nauseous and ... really dizzy," Bella answered subconsciously.

"You said you wanted to die? And now you complained because you felt a headache like that?" Theo quipped.

Bella immediately straightened her face, and she saw Theodor smirking at her.


Pointed at Bella while shifting her body towards the back.