Who Is The Man Who Got You Pregnant?


David's daydream instantly became shattered. The shadow of his past has been replaced with the woman sitting in front of him. Looks like David forgot that he was with Naomi at the time.

"Sorry, how far are we talking?" asked David politely.

"What is he thinking and planning? He is David Mahendra, a man who has a million lovers. Geez, why did I just research it last night on the internet? You're so stupid, Naomi," Naomi remembered as she searched for background on David Mahendra.

When she just typed David Mahendra's name on an internet page. And what emerged some of his ex-girlfriends with different types of women, ranging from models, artists,  and wealthy women.

"Oh my gosh! How can I kiss this asshole on the cheek! You shouldn't be so reckless, Naomi!" Naomi thought, even more, regretting her company with David.

"Naomi?" David's voice was clear, but he didn't shout. "This time, you are daydreaming. What's wrong?"