I Think ... if my father is in danger

In the end, Nick accepts the presence of two uninvited guests. They had moved into a smaller room filled with bookshelves, looking like an untidy workspace.

Two straight sofas facing each other became the seats for the three of them. Bella sat next to Felix while Nick sat in front of them with a squinting look.

"Ehemm, so... is it true that David Mahendra is your father?" asked Nick trying to confirm again.

"You didn't believe that Miss Bella is his daughter? Don't you see the resemblance between the two," Felix tried to defend herself.

"Uhmm, I don't know. I don't think you two look alike," replied Nick, shaking his head slowly.

"I also wish she wasn't my daughter," David muttered quietly.

"Miss Bella, we'd better get out of here right away. There's no point in talking to a man like him," Felix continued to persuade.

"Who knows, Mr. David is home,"

"No, Felix!" David answered in a loud and firm voice.