A Big Bang

David had explained his plan to Felix. A plan had just appeared in his mind.

The idea sneaks in when Felix is ​​about to turn off the electricity. They will try to sabotage the power plant engine. The machine was in a warehouse not far from the log house.

The two were hiding behind a fence overgrown with vines. The position of the two of them was closer than the previous hiding place.

"Miss Bella? Are you sure if Mr. David is in that room," Felix's gaze directed to a room that had windows with many iron bars?

"My hunch says yes," David answered confidently.

"Are you sure you're going into that house?" Felix asked and still worried.

David turned to face Felix with a bent face. He had repeatedly explained to Felix his crazy plan.

"Felix?" David called, taking a deep breath.

"You just need to turn off the electricity," David pointed out.