Naomi's Suspicion & Despair

David immediately came out of his room and went to Bella's room. Trying to make sure, is that Bella back in her body too?

David was about to head to Bella's room when he heard a conversation coming from downstairs. Amongst the voices talking, he was sure if he heard Bella's voice.


David turned his footsteps, and he hurried down the stairs. He tried to find the source of the sound that might be coming from the main dining room. But when he got there, he didn't see anyone in the dining room.

Just then, David heard Bella laughing, and it came from the kitchen.

"Could they be there?" he thought a little doubtfully.

And sure enough, when David headed to the kitchen, he could see there was Bella and Naomi, Ethan and Lily.

"What are you all doing here?" David asked, frowning.

David's voice was so loud, that everyone in the kitchen looked at him.