Four Girls Fight


Finally, what Emily feared happened. When the exam results were announced, Ethan's name was number one, followed by Emily, who was number two.

It was clear and certain that Ethan would represent the school. Could there be a chance for Emily? So she could represent the school?

How should she do it?

At that time, Emily couldn't think straight. All she thought about was how to get Ethan to resign. Maybe she should tell Mr. Sam? Cheating happened between Bella and Ethan.

Instead of reporting to the teacher, Emily spoke to Anya and Fiona.

"What!! What they're doing is cheating!" Fiona banged the table, so the whole class looked at the three of them.

"Calm yourself, Fiona," Anya warned.

"How can I calm down. They're cheating!! We can't just sit still. Let me talk to that sly girl!" Fiona squeezed her fingers in annoyance at the thought of Bella's face.