David:"I'm sorry, Bella"

David and Bella left the living room, where the adults had argued. They were in a larger room that looked like a lounge. There was a big fireplace that wasn't lit.

The room had many windows that were left half-open so that the cool morning air filled each side of the room.

A long chair and under the window became the place where David and Bella were.

At the time, Bella sat with her back to her father. David was examining the injured part of Bella's head.

"Where's Miss Naomi?" Bella asked, opening the conversation.

"He's taking care of the two old men," David replied curtly, and he accidentally pressed too hard on Bella's wound.

"Ouch… dad! Can't you slow down?" Bella grumbled in pain.

The gauze that had been smeared with medicine was gently patted by David on Bella's wound.

"Looks like your wound needs stitches," David said and ignored Bella's nagging.