Spooky Whispers

Moments before the arrival of Bella, David, and Naomi,

Emily stood in front of the school gate, and she stared at the tall gate blankly.

"Why am I here?" thought Emily confused.

Emily surveyed her surroundings which seemed deserted. She had been thinking about how to get to school all along. But she was not aware if her footsteps were already leading to the school.

"Ah ... Yes, I was on the bus. But suddenly, I'm in this place," she said in a weak voice and languid look.

Emily's face looked even paler.

There were black eye bags visible, indicating that she had not rested properly for several days. Sleeping too late, waking up too early, with an unsettled mind. That's what Emily is going through.

"How is this? What am I here for? Hehehe... You're so stupid, Emily," she said to herself.

Emily looked up because her gaze was fixed on the top of the school building. She began to imagine herself on the roof of the school.