A Pieces Of News

Sharon didn't like David's smile of satisfaction and was even more surprised when she found out if David had an intimate photo with Bryan.

"That was a long time ago. I was even wearing a wig when I met Bryan. Where did he get that photo from? Damn… he's smarter than I thought. Don't worry, Sharon. You don't have to look scared and you can bully this guy back! " thought Sharon.

"Why? You're not sure if this is you?" quipped David, and he took his cell phone.

David picked up his phone, and the screen was pointed at Sharon. Only your hair looks different. But… your face is very clear. Anyone would recognize you, Sharon," David was still pointing at his phone screen.

"Hhh… I don't know where you got that photo from. Just so you know, you can't bully me like that. Who would believe it? Hahaha!" Sharon laughed loudly.

But David didn't look the least bit intimidated. Instead, he grinned happily, still showing his arrogance.