It's been a week since I started working here at H.T Enterprise, well my start here was rough but now its OK. My boss has been surprisingly good to me since after what happen that day which I still believe was because of the alcohol he drank . I have made I new friend here in the company, his name is Kelvin and trust me, you'll like him. His cute but not as cute as my boss, well don't be surprise that I complimented my boss plus am just facing fact. So kelvin has been a big help to me and am so grateful to God for sending someone like him to me. Big news I think Abby and Anthony will be in a relationship very soon. How do I know? Well signs her there, his been sending gifts, picking and dropping her from work, she's not rude to him anymore, they've been going out on a lot of dates and I use to see her staring at her phone and smiling and at times blushing. Is that proof enough??. Okay so " what do you think" snapping out of her thoughts she looks at her boss with a confused look as she hasn't been listening to what he is saying. They just had a business meeting with some Mr Banks and they are having lunch. " huh?" she asked " I said how do you see the business proposal Mr Banks is giving?"
"Oh, well I know nothing about such business deals but I think his proposal is promising". Henry just gives her his killer smile which always makes the butterflies in her stomach to dance with joy, before continuing with his meal.
Okay now I don't know what is wrong with me, this feeling in my heart I can't comprehend. I can't stop thinking about Lari and thoughts about her are driving crazy, I mean everything about her is just perfect , her smile, her brown eyes, her fair skin, her half heart pink lips which am sure is so soft to kiss. Oh God Henry snap out of it. 'You like her Hen, you always have' His subconscious mind told him *shut up and I don't like her. I just find her attractive that's it. 'keep on telling yourself that' his subconscious continues.
Glancing at her watch Lari sees that the time is one thirty and they have a meeting with the staffs at two "sir I think we should be on our way, remember there's a staff meeting at two"
"huh? OK let's go then" paying the bills Henry and Lari walk out. At the company, in the board room Lari and Kelvin were sitting together and Lari was laughing at something which Kelvin said. She would smile and at times giggles. Angry at what his seeing, he decided to make some arrangement with their sitting positions before the meeting starts. *for goodness sake she is my PA which means she's suppose to be sitting close to me not him*. He thought "hey Miss wills change your sitting position with Miss Tessa" Confused at why she has to change her sitting position, nonetheless she did as she was told , that's after giving Kelvin a little smile. And this does not sit well with Henry and the lines on his forehead deepen. "Let's begin shall we" he said to his other staffs
They talked about things happening in the company and where adjustments need to be made. Later on every department head brought in their work for the month, they talked about how to improve the company's products as per their consumers request and suggestion, later on they talked about their competitors. And lastly the talk about the companies 7th years anniversary which will be held in a week time. They talked about the function for sometime before ending the meeting.
Henry spotted Lari and Anthony talking and she smiled at him again, something that she has never done with him. "Miss Wills, meet me in my office now" after saying that he walk away. Lari gave Kelvin a short hug before rushing to Henry's office.
Stepping into the office, Lari stood in front of his desk waiting for what he has to say. Pointing at the couch I his office he said "go over there and sit down". Doing as she was told while waiting for what he has to say. To be honest Henry had no reason for calling Lari. He just didn't like to see her standing and talking to any guy. After fifteen minutes of waiting, she decided to ask "umm sir, do you need anything?" Bringing his head up to look at Lari, he gave her question look. "well because you said i should meet you in your office and I've been here for like fifteen minutes but you haven't said anything." The frown that was on Henry's face minutes ago appeared back. "why? can't I ask my PA to come to my office for no reason" he ask
"No sir, it's not like that it's just that....." "just what Lari?" he cuts her off "Or was it because you were busy flirting with Kelvin and i stopped you?" Lari gave him a shocked look " oh please don't give me that look, you think I don't have eyes to see that you were laughing at something he was telling you earlier and how your gave him a flirtatious smile? how low can you go? your so immoral" Lari couldn't just stand there and hear him spill out nonsense about her without her saying anything back regardless if he is her boss, so she yelled at the top of her voice "You have no rights to question my character, who do you think you are? and you have no right to question who I talk to and how I talked and behave with the person cuz its my life and not yours. You are my boss I don't deny that but you are not the boss of me, so don't you dare try to control my life ever again" After saying that, she storms out of his office with hot tears falling down her chicks. She went to her office took her back and went home. Meanwhile Henry just stared at the door with a complicated look on his face, there was shock, anger, regret and above all confusion. In anger he throws everything on his desk to the floor. He began to question himself * why am I so angry and worked up? why do I feel regret? what was the feeling I felt when I saw her talking to Kelvin? why could I not stand her tears? why am I not angry at her for raising her voice at me? something my mom or anybody else had never done before* 'one because you love her, two because are jealous of Kelvin because he is able to talk to her freely and not about work and also see her smile, ' his subconscious mind answered his questions *shut up okay I don't love her, I find her attractive that's it. So stop mixing up what I feel for her. And am not jealous, why should I be jealous* he retort 'calm down, there's no need to shout at yourself, am just answering your questions' *I don't need your stupid answers so shut up*
*But am I really jealous????* ha asked himself.