Chapter Ten: Accepting the feeling.

It's been three days since the incident that took place in my office between Lari and I and I haven't seen Lari in these three days. She hasn't been coming to work and this is frustrating. What if she decides to resign? No no I won't be able to accept it, not now that I have realized and accepted my feelings for her. This three days without her has been so frustrating but I used these days to examine and question myself, and I have realized that I like no love her and I can't do without her.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my office door being pushed. Looking up, I realize is just Anthony. "Hey dude can't you knock" I ask in frustration. "what is this the first time I have ever barge into your office? you ask like I have ever knocked" he said with a cheesy smile on his face which later turn serious. "dude are you okay? you look like a mess" he said in a concerned tone "am fine, just stressed out" I lied. I just don't feel like sharing my feelings with him. Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to hear his lectures. I already know that am at fault. "you know you can tell me anything right?" he asked "I know that and like I said am fine". I lied again. I am not fine, am anything but fine.

"OK if you say so, even though I know your lying to me." He said "so,where's Lari? I didn't see her in her office" he suddenly asked about the one person who has been on my mind. "I don't know, maybe she's sick or something. she hasn't been to work for three days now" I said acting like I don't know why. " And it didn't cross your mind to go check up on her?" he asked "why should I? I have a company to run and other things to do rather than checking up on my PA" Anthony gave me a suspicious look. "Are you sure about that? dude are you going to keep on pretending like everything is ok? you and I know that your not fine and your PA has something to do with it "he said looking at me.

"nothing is wrong with me. So how are things between you and Abigail" I asked changing the topic. "well we are progressing. She's not rude to me anymore and we have gone on a couple of dates. One of these days am going to ask her to be my gf" he said smiling " good for you then". There was a moment of silence between us but Anthony decided to break the silence by going back to our previous topic. "so are you going to tell me what happen between you two or should I just go and ask Abby at least I know that she would tell me what's really going on" he said giving me a somewhat lopsided smile.

* Should I tell him what I did it or just lie, he won't know ryt?* he thought to himself. Deciding on the latter her said "well I misunderstood her actions and accused her wrongly" I said not really going into details "do you mind sharing what you misunderstood?" he asked "no don't want to share it" I refused "ok if that's the case, why don't you just go talk to her and get things settled. Knowing that it's your fault " he pause for a while before continues " I know that it's hard to say sorry but you should just do it, before you lose someone who is important to you. I know you have feelings for her, so you better act fast before she decides to resign from work." He said to me standing up" am going I only came here to check up on you, now take my advice before it's too late" he leaves and I just stared at nothing.

Since what happen between Henry and I, I haven't been going to work and it has been three days. I didn't tell Abby what happened and now am feeling guilty for keeping things from my bestie, so deciding to tell her everything and hear what she has to say, I step down from my bed making my way to the living room were I find Abby sitting watching a movie. I sat next to her, looking at her and before I could open my mouth to speak, she spoke first. "It took you long enough" she said pealing her eyes from the TV and looking at me. I just gave her a confused look cause I didn't know what she is talking about. " I mean" she continues " its took you long enough to come talk to me, I have been observing you and I knew that something was wrong with you. And my guess is you had a fight with Henry that's why you haven't been going to work" I just looked at her and wondered how she could understand me without me even saying anything to her "what? don't look at me like that, am your friend and I know you inside out" she said " who says am not okay? Your observations are wrong. I don't have a problem and my boss and I are okay" I lied "mmm" she hummed " look at me in the eyes and repeat that statement" she requested. I tried to but couldn't so I end up grumbling" why must you know me so well" I didn't say it loud enough for her to hear. I was silent so she decides to speak " so are going to tell me or should we keep pretending that your okay? or should we wait until your ready to talk which we both know that it won't take you up to 24hours to free your mind" she asked and I just role my eyes "Lari please just save us the trouble and tell me what Henry did or said to you" she begged and I decided to tell her everything and how I feel "well it's...I .. we" I stammered finding it difficult to speak "look take in deep breaths, calms down, relax then tell me" she instructed. Doing as she said and it actually help to calm down my nerves. "the thing is, Henry and I had a little fight and what he said to me hurts a lot. I don't know why it does, you know me I don't let what people say affect me but I just couldn't look pass his. His words hurts a lot and I don't know why I feel the way I feel. I feel heartbroken, like how could he say such words to me? I know we barely know each other but can't he see that am not who he thinks I am?" I said letting it all out "ok tell me what he said" she requested " He called me a flirt, immoral, he..'sob' he called me low, he 'sob' questioned my character" after saying it all she hugged me and told me to let it all out and I did. I cried long and hard. When I was done she ask " so what he said hurts a lot " I nodded "you feel heartbroken" I nodded again "you feel like someone important to you said something you didn't expect them to say" she asked looking at me attentively, I nodded absentmindedly. Smiling at me she said "you see?" she asked "see what" I asked back confused " Examine yourself Larinet and think why his word makes you feel the way you feel" she said. Okay this is serious she never calls my full name unless she wants me to realize something about myself. Thinking hard, that's when the realization hits me. Can it be that I like him? I asked myself. No it can't be I denied it. "No Abby your theory is wrong it wrong. I don't like him, it's just been like nine days or so since we met each other and for crying out loud his my boss. His not even my type of guy" I said denying the fact that I am in love with my boss. it sounds crazy. Abby gave a mischievous smile and said "what? when did I say you like your boss" she asked acting all confused like she didn't imply it. "You didn't say it but you implied it" i retorted. Am not backing down. Maybe if I continue to tell myself that I don't love him, the feeling will go away. " oh Lari" she called my name giving me an innocent smile before adding "you are the one who just concluded that you like your boss not me" After saying that she stood up and was about to walk way but stop to say "you know it's true anyways, whether I said it or you realised it. So just accept the fact that you like him, denying the fact doesn't mean the feeling will go away, no it will not it will only get stronger and uncomfortable for you. Am going to work see you in the morning." she walked away living me to think.

After what Anthony said I've been thinking. I love her so why should I let my pride get in the way. Picking up his jacket he walks out of his office going straight to the woman who has his heart. Passing by Anna's office since she has been handling his schedule for these days she walks up to her and tells her to cancel all his appointments for today. "if anyone ask of me, tell them am off to correct my mistake before its too late" he tells Anna who gave a confused look cause she doesn't understand what his talking about. *going to correct his mistakes before it's too late?* she thought. Henry walks out of the company feeling proud of himself for accepting his feelings. He enters his car and drives off to Lari's house. He got there but couldn't ring the doorbell. He doesn't even know what to say to her. Taking in deep breaths he lift up his hands and ring the doorbell.

I have been thinking to what Abby said and the more I try to deny the feeling the more I fall deep into it. So I have decided to accept it. Yes I love my jerky boss But the question here is does he feel the same way?? I mean his Henry Thompson, the business tycoon, the billionaire, founder and CEO of HT Enterprise. America's eligible bachelor. But me who am i? His PA, a girl who has nothing to offer. Even if he wants to get in a relationship it can't be with me am not fit am just a nobody. Just a useless PA. All this thoughts and questions has been going on in Lari's mind ever since Abby talked to her. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Waking up to open the door, when she opens she's greeted with the face of the one man who has been disturbing her head. Stand there Lari and Henry just stared at each other not knowing what to say. Clearing his throat Henry ask " can I come in?" "huh, yes come in sorry" Lari answered awkwardly.

"Sit down" she offered "can I help you with anything she asked "no thanks am ok" Henry replied staring at her "So what do you need? why are you here" Lari asked going straight.

Okay when I came here I didn't know what to day and looking at her right now, I still don't know what to say. Just staring at her right now while looking for what to say. *I should ask her why she hasn't been going to work. That's a good start* he thought to himself "so have you been absent from work and I came to find out why" I ask her

Really he came all the way just to ask why I haven't been to work? Like he doesn't know why. 'what do you expect him to say? sorry' my subconscious mind questioned. *well I wasn't expecting a sorry from him just....* " hey Lari are you okay" he asked holding her shoulder. His touch on my shoulder brought me back from my thoughts "huh? why are you asking me like you don't know why am not going to work? Am not going back there if that's what you want to hear. You should expect my resignation letter very soon. Now if that's why you are here for then please leave" I spoke angrily. I just couldn't hold myself from talking to him angrily how can he ask like he doesn't know why am abstaining from work? I don't expect him to say sorry but at least he should feel remorseful for what he said to me.

Wait no I didn't mean to sound like I don't know why she's been absent but I just wanted to start a conversation. She can't resign "Am sorry" I said without even knowing

I don't know if I heard right but did he say his sorry "huh what did you say" I asked just to be clear " I said am sorry" he repeated his word so I heard correctly "look Lari" he continued. " Am sorry for what I said in the office the other day. I just couldn't hold it, I couldn't stand seeing you talking and laughing with Kelvin. I was jealous seeing you talking with him and laughing with him freely something you've never done with me before just got me angry and jealous. I said what I said out of jealous, I didn't mean those words I swear" he said *wait did he just say his jealous..of Kelvin* I laughed hard, his jealous of kelvin "why are you laughing" I heard him ask "well because you have no reason to be jealous" I replied. He raised his eyebrows in a question look " I mean am not Kelvin type" I answer his question "what do you mean your not Kelvin's type" he asked "your beautiful, intelligent,caring, loving. What else can one look for? you have it all" he said. I blushed, I could feel my chicks heat up and am sure am as red as an overcooked crap. "Ihmm" I cleared my throat "thanks for the compliment, but what I mean is Kelvin doesn't do girls" I said "huh" he asked confused "his gay" I said clearing his confusion. He sigh in relief, okay that's, did I see right? did he just sigh in relief? why did he? these question rang in Lari's head.

*so his gay. Thank God, I thought I had to compete for her heart*Henry thought. There was silence between us. I use the opportunity to say what's in my mind "I love you Lari" She stared at me wide eyes "I don't expect you to give me your response now, just take your time, let's get to know each other well" I said before she could reject me. There was another moment of silence between us which was so uncomfortable and for a moment I was thinking that she would deny me. "I love you too" I suddenly heard her say. To say am happy is an understatement. "I love you too Henry I do" she said again with tears pouring down her chicks, using my hands I wipe the tears off her face and hug her like there was no tomorrow......

This is the longest chapter I have ever written please encourage me with your comments please. U need it to know if am doing a good job or not. To know if I need to improve, please comment. love you 💟💟😘😘 xoxo