Past 6 - In The Darkness

"Raiden…..?" Toshi gazed at me.

"Yes, I'm going down there."

"Don't be a fool, Raiden. I won't allow you to just go down there and die," Sheila said. "Smith can take care of this, he is more skilled and experienced than you."

"I'm as experienced as any of us here and I know what I'm doing. I won't die that easily." I said it with an eye-to-eye contact with Sheila.

She took her eyes off. "No means n-" A voice from the crowd interrupted her.

It was that angry man from before.

"Sheila, let Raiden go down there, he is not a kid anymore. He has became a real man." That man said with a vile smirk on his face.

"You heard him right, Sheila? Now let me go down," I insisted.

"Are you sure? Raiden?" Toshi asked.

"Yes dude I'm dead sure."

I was really sure but my heart wasn't. It was bumping so fast I could almost hear my heartbeat. But I was determined to go down there. I didn't want to put others life in danger. I swear I would protect everyone at all cost.

Sheila agreed and finally the grim look on her face was gone. She looked worried and after all these times I could see her femime look again. The face which was always so worked up and tensioned was gone and all left there was worry for me. 

"Don't die," she said with such a beautiful face. 

It made me feel so happy. All my fear was gone in an instant. I was ready to take on whatever awaited me. I prepared myself. Took my backpack and hung a sword on my waist. 

I looked inside the deep blackness. I couldn't see anything until Sheila focused with the torch on the ladder on the front wall. The crowd was just behind me. 

A little of the fear returned. 'What if I can't grab the ladder?' 'What if my hands slipped midway?' 'What if the ground floor is filled with zombies?' Thoughts like these filled my mind. 'Fuck it,' I said to all those thoughts and made the jump. 

My hands perfectly grabbed one the rungs and my feet also landed on one rung. I maintained the balance. I took a glance downside and it looked hell. I placed my glance straight at the wall.

I started moving downwards then several beam of lights came from behind. One on my left side, another one at the right, one on my feets and one roamed in the whole shaft. The beams followed me as I went down. I crossed the 5th and 6th floor. I placed each steps very slowly knowing that a big horde of zombies were right behind me at the other side of wall. 

As I went further away from the group my heart beated more violently. At that point I didn't even know at which floor I was, I just moved down without thinking about anything.

Then the beam of light suddenly shifted away from me. That sudden darkness in front of me made me drop a beat but I immediately looked at the side where all beam went.

I had reached the ground floor. All beam focused on the gate directly opposite to me, then few of them returned to me. They probably wanted to see my reaction. 

I could hear little moaning of zombies from the floor above me but it looked quite from the ground floor which gave my heart a relief. 

I knew exactly what I had to do there. I grabbed the rung with my right hand even more tight and drew the sword with my left hand. I stretched my right hand and learned from the ladder towards the door on the opposite wall. My left hand held the sword. I placed the sharp edge of my sword into the little slit between both of the doors and it was fully stuck in between. I pushed the sword further in with my feet and it went through.

The slit widened a little. I had lost contact with my sword but it was still stuck between both the doors. 

I couldn't see anything through the slit as the darkness continued on the other side of the door too. But I was a little sure that there were no zombies on the other side. If there were any then they would have made some slightest of the moment. 

The rays from the slit directly went inside my eyes which blinded me for a second. I rubbed my eyes with my left hand and adjusted my eyes to the darkness again. I looked up but all I could see was several beams coming from same location. I kind of got the hint there that they didn't want me to waste any more minute. So I prepared myself for a jump again.

I put my aim at a big horizontal pipe which was at the left side of the door. The light was also focusing on that spot. I had to grab on that pipe and put my feets on a pipe which was a little down to the bottom left side of the door.

Now I actually noticed that this shaft had lots of pipes all over the place. Don't know why though. 

Then, I jumped. Straight towards the front wall. The distance between the door and ladder wasn't too big but still my heart beated so hard. My hands reached the pipes, finally grabbing them. My legs also touched the lower pipe. 

These pipes weren't too strong. They could break at any moment. I immediately retracted my sword which was stuck in between the doors and then I put my fingers inside the slit, I held one of the doors with my right hand and then pulled it towards me. 

A sudden fear came back as I opened the door. But I didn't stop. I kept on pulling the door until it went fully inside the wall. I placed my right leg on the floor and called my whole body inside the door. I didn't try to look at the ground floor but instead I pushed the right door inside. 

Well I didn't even need to check for anything as it was clear there were no zombies on this floor. 

I looked up at the light sources and showed them a thumb. Maybe I looked like a fool while doing it but it made me happy. They all relied on me and I was successful in opening the door.

Then I went inside to search the area and the exit to the ground floor.

Sheila saw me as I vanished in the darkness. 

Sheila, Toshi, Kingslayer and Smith were leaned over at the edge holding the torches in their hand. Others sat besides the walls of the room. 

They waited there for some time as I was gone. 

But after a few minutes a familiar face returned from the darkness and it waved towards them.

It was me, I had returned and gave them the sign to come down here.

Sheila stood up and so did Toshi. 

"Toshi, tell everyone that we are leaving now." Sheila said as she kept her gaze on me.