Shallow Blade

The little thumps on the glass door gave several cracks to it.

The group behind the doors didn't expect that to happen. They thought they were finally safe from the monsters.

Raiden gave a sign to back off. They slowly started backing off from the gates.

The monsters outside the gates were increasing due to the noise all those thumps were creating.

The cracks on the glass doors increased too.

They knew it wouldn't take much longer before the monsters would break in.

They slowly backed off and started going deeper into the store. They didn't wanna make any sound and make the monsters angrier.

They went deeper inside the store, behind the shelves which stored different groceries.

The thumps became loud and the cracks became even denser.

The glass door burst open and the flood of monsters came barging in.

The group was up against a massive army of Flesh-Eating Monsters.

They found themselves trapped inside the store and the only exit got flooded with monsters.