It’s Grim and Leon

Fierra and Leon finally arrived at the house. They are getting ready and putting down all the stuff they bought.

"You think it's enough?" Fierra asked, carrying the bag of groceries.

"Yeah," Leon said and nodded

"Let me help you," Fierra said while putting out the ingredients inside the bag

"Not gonna happen, have faith in me." Leon stopped her and pushed her away from the kitchen.

"Alright, I'm out," Fierra said and chuckles

"Just wait, okay, I'll handle this" Leon replied, looking at her proudly.

Leon starts to cook and Fierra takes out the canned beer to drink. She just waits until Leon is done while drinking the beer. She goes to the terrace and takes out an electronic cigarette. Outside you can see the beautiful view of the ocean and calm cold breeze. It's the perfect place to unwind from the place that used to suffocate you. At the same time, Fierra was just looking from afar and thinking about what is behind the horizon.

"Taking a breather?" Leon speaks

"Let's eat, it's cooked." She added and walks towards Fierra

"Okay" Fierra replied, standing up and they walked inside.

"Perhaps, do you want to eat here?" Leon asked her while getting plates

"Sure, wait, I'm gonna go get the table clean" Fierra agreed and smiled at her.

Leon nodded and they both set up the table on the terrace. They lit candles for a pleasant atmosphere, a bottle of wine, and Leon's food.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Leon asked Fierra while looking at her

"We've missed a lot here, Leon" Fierra replied looking from afar

"Let's take a picture before we start eating" Leon takes out her phone and seems so excited.

A lot of shots have been taken, and they are still not eating. Leon takes ages getting a perfect angle for her post on social media. She moves a lot and looks like she is enjoying it.

"So how many shots do you want to take before we eat?" Fierra seems so annoyed and looks impatiently because of Leon

"Alright Grim, don't be mad. Jeez," Leon said while putting back Fierra's plate.

"Now taste it! I'd bet you're gonna marry me after you taste it." She added, looking at her proudly.

Fierra takes a spoon to finally taste it and looks at it. It seems like it's better than the last time she cooked for her.

"It's great right? Grim!" Leon says proudly while waiting for Fierra's to answer.

"Not bad" Fierra gives her answer politely and plain

"Just say good, it would be better. Grim"

Fierra didn't respond, continued eating, and ignored Leon. in the meantime they just finished their food and have some memories way back in high school. After eating, they clean up first and get the beer.

"Remember when I saw you, surrounded by some girls," Leon said while washing the dishes

"Yeah," Fierra said, wiping the plates to dry

"It's still new for me, I mean how can you not fight for yourself that night?" Leon asked

"You are a well-trained fighter" Leon added, putting back the plates

"But when you saw me, getting hit with them. You immediately put a fight on me" Leon said, laughing and mocking her

"Is it because I'm pretty, and you find me attractive?" Leon said, teasing her, nagging, and make a face

"It's because you are weak and naive," Fierra said, pulling out her hand

"It's the same answer, I'm guessing what are the next words you'll say," Leon says, looking at her, seriously.

"Humans tend to group themselves because they are weak without each other" Fierra said

"Why are you laughing? It's true, that's why I fought for you." Fierra said, smiling at her and gives Leon a flip on her forehead

"Ever since that night, I have called you grim. Because you punch the hell up of them like you are taking them under." Leon said, pulls out her hand and fix her hair

"And ever since that night you keep annoying me, nagging and saying we're engaged" Fierra said

"Aren't we?" Leon act romantically and nagging her

"Maybe if you are not with someone, I'll marry you" Fierra mocking at her

Fierra walks out and takes out the beers, then goes to the terrace.

"We can make a cute couple, you always know that Grim!" Leon speaks seductively and tails Fierra from the terrace

Fierra looks far away and continues to ignore her while laughing, drinking the beer. Leon gets another beer and sits at the chair, looking at the view

"You find me weak, so you stick with me," Leon said

"I was weak too and then I saw much weaker than mine. So I'm sitting right beside you." Fierra replied

"You always helped me, even if it can trouble you," Leon said, chuckles

"We're not really close that time, but I don't want you to get hurt, Leon" Fierra said, looking at her while patting her head