

"Mel" a voice called stopping me in the hall

I turned

"Oh, hey Sky" I greeted with a smile

"Something's suspicious" she said

"What is?" I asked as if I didn't get what she was trying to say

"Is there anything going on between you and Jace?" she asked

I smiled

"Like what?" I asked back

"I can't place my hands on it but, there's definitely something off" she said

"Then come see me when you have placed your hands firmly on it, okay?" I told her patting her shoulder lightly then turned back

"On Friday" she started

I stopped

"What happened?" she asked

I turned to look at her

"What do you mean?" I asked with a smile

"You dragged Jace out of the office and the two of ..."

"I dragged Jace out?" I interrupted her

*Couldn't she have missed that part?*

"Yeah, and the two of you were unavailable the whole weekend only to hear Jace say he would like to repeat his weekend"

I laughed

"Oh that. It's nothing serious, just Jace being Jace" I brushed it off


I checked my watch

"Oh, the time! I have to go now and rest. See you later, Sky. Bye" I said, quickly going down the hall into the office..

"Was a headless chicken pursuing you?"

"Can we even see a chicken in the place? Around this area?"

Having feeling for this man is still a mystery to us, isn't it Mel? I asked myself without answering

"Anything can happen, Mel" he said

"Shut up" I went to my seat and placed my head on the table

I don't know why but, I'm tired

"Tired?" Jace asked

"Hum" I answered

I heard sound of chairs moving followed by feet but, I didn't bother to look up. Instead, I folded my hands under my head and closed my eyes. I still didn't do anything when I felt a presence but, I opened my eyes when I felt hands on my shoulders

"What are you doing?" I asked him sitting up but, he gently took me back to my previous position

"Relax" he said

"You may not know but, I give the best massage and that may be all you need"

"How do you know you give the best massage? Have you even ever massaged a person before?" I asked doing what he said, relaxing

"Of course, my mom. Even when I moved out, I visit her just to offer her my service. She tells me that she loves them and that there're the best"

"Maybe it's because of the fact that she's your mom and that's what mothers do" I stated

"Maybe but, let me finish and then you comment" he said

I have to admit, he's pretty good. No, that's an understatement, he better than good. Good to the extent that I close and eyes without realizing

I raised my hand from where it was, on the table, and stretched. I guess I must have fallen asleep; Jace's massage is actually the best. I noticed a bag beside where my head was. Questioning, I opened it and looked at what was inside. There was a sandwich and a cup of cappuccino along with a letter which read

*You might be hungry when you wake up so, I left something for you to eat. I made the sandwich from home but, I bought the cappuccino. Eat well. I had to go somewhere out of the building and I don't think I'll be back before we close so, I'll just have to go home from there. And also, I've gotten your comment on my massage with the way you slept in the middle of it. Till I meet your beautiful face again 🤍🤍😍🙂

From the owner of the heart in your custody*

"Tsk" I said smiling brightly

He draws well, I told myself

And that was how I smiled through out my lunch

I groaned as I fell on my bed

"Why do humans have to work?" I asked the air

This was another reason why I knew I had changed. Before, I would be grateful for working, not asking why I had to work but now, I wonder why I have to work. A ring from my door came in and that made me groan again

Who could that be? I asked myself

With great effort, I managed to get down from my bed and down the stairs

"Who's that?" I asked but no answer

"Who's that?" I asked again but still no answer

I went back to go to my bedroom but, the ring stopped me on the stairs

"Who's that" I asked, now angry

I promise, if that's someone I don't want to see of some kind of prank, I'm going to ...

"Jace?" I asked

"Hi" he said

"What are you doing here?" I asked him

"Just wanted to give you this" he said and brought our his hand that was behind him

"Flowers" I said with a smile

A wrapped bunch of beautiful flowers, to be exact with color of red and pink

"Thank you" I told him

"No need for that" he said smiling back at me

"Come in" I told him making way

"Oh, no. I'm not here to stay, today. Just to give you these flowers"

"See you later" he said pecking me on the lips and left

Immediately I entered, I found a vase for it, poured water into it and carefully placed the flowers inside, one by one. I went to change out of my work clothes to Jace's clothes, I didn't give then back to him after I had change the day we went to see my parents, then went to bed without eating