



It was finally over

On the second trial, he was sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor and condolences were sent out to the victim's family

I snuggled deeper into Jace as he wrapped his hands around me on the couch in my house. After arguing for what seemed like hours on where to go, we finally decided on my house

"It's finally over, Jace" I told him

"Yes, it is. It's finally over"

"Everything" I said

"Everything" he repeated

He removed his hands and looked at me

"I love you, Mel. So much"

"I love you , Jace. With all my heart" I told him heartily and kissed him with all of me with our lips met


It has now been a year since Jace and I had been going out. Even though we had been dating and we love each other so much, nothing really changed. To me, he was still an annoying, irritating, cocky human while to him, I was still a Chihuahua. I smiled when I remembered the times he called me a chihuahua and the smile widened when I read the message that just came into my phone

Hey, my beautiful chihuahua

I've told you to stop calling me that, I texted back even though I actually liked it

And I've told you, no can't do

What do you want?

Are you busy tonight?


I want to take you out

I thought for a while

Where and why?

For the answers, you will find that out when you say yes, he said

I scoffed


Around eight?




I'll see you. Wear something that will make other men jealous and me to say 'wow'

Shut up

I put my phone down. It was after five so, I had over two hours, that's enough and since I was actually bored, I decided to have a soak bath

I had a bath for thirty minutes so, it remained two hours straight. I went through my wardrobe, thinking of what to wear. When I was done deciding for thirty minutes, I picked out my choice; a dark blue gown which was slightly above my knees. It has a creamy silky belt on the waist so I chose my shoes, bag and earrings to go with the same color as the belt

When it was 6:50, I began with my hair. I searched for styles that I could do, then went with princess crown braid and it actually came out nice

I waited till it was 7:30 before I wore the clothes I picked out along with a pair of glasses. In this place, time has no influence on the sun. I wasn't a make up person so, I didn't bother putting on anything, I just washed my face.

At exactly 8, which was surprising, Jace rang the bell

"Hey" I greeted him as I opened the door but he didn't say anything, he just looked at me with a face I couldn't break down

He sucked his teeth

"I don't know. I'm not really sure other men will be jealous and it will make wow out of my mouth" he said with a disapproving look

I was about to slam the door on his face but he held it and stepped up to my front then he smiled and said

"You look good"

I scoffed

"I'm serious"

"Yeah sure"

He laughed and peeked me on the cheeks

"Let's go" he said

Since I was already with my bad, I just followed him. I looked at him when he opened the door of my side while he just urged me on

"Can you now tell me where we are going?" I asked

"The first stop is to eat" he said

"Then, what after?"

"That is for you to know when we get there" he said

I rolled my eyes

After about twenty minutes, he parked the car and we got down

"This is the restaurant we first came to" I said

"Yep" he agreed

The fresh air that was hitting our bodies as we were walking was those type of air that I wish we would have everyday; it was lovely. After eating a fantastic dinner, we talked a little and then Jace suggested we walk for a while

"Should we go to my house?" Jace asked

"Your house?"



"Just because"

"It's after ten"

"Tomorrow's weekend"

"Even though, I'm not really sure; it's quite late"

"I see. If that's the case, I wonder when next we can go to our private house?" Jace asked

I stopped

"You were talking about the private house?" I asked

Till now, I still love that place even though Jace, sometimes, uses it to his advantage

"I was but as you said, it's very late" Jace said looking at the sky

I grabbed his hand when he started moving forward and smiled at him when he turned to look at me

"It's weekend tomorrow" I told him, still smiling

He chuckled

"Let's go" he said, held my hand and took us to wear his car was parked

"Wait here and come down to the swimming pool in five minutes" Jace told me when he entered the house

"Why?" I asked

"Because" he replied and left, going towards the back of the house

After waiting curiously and perfectly for the five minutes, I went towards the back of his house. As I was getting near, the first thing I noticed was the song that was silently playing. Although it was silently, I could still make out the song, it was 'Way Back Home' by Shaun. When I got to the balcony before the stairs, I saw the roses. From the balcony to the stairs, all the way down to the swimming pool, they were all filled with roses. Even though I was wondering what was going on, with a smile and royally, I made my way down the stairs. The roses were not all, colorful lit lanterns were placed on top of the pool. I smiled and went closer. As I went closer, other lanterns were lit somehow and Jace was standing at the other end of the pool, in front of me and with his hands behind, at his back

"Hi" he said smiling

"What's all this?" I asked him walking towards him

Instead of answering, he just smiled and brought one hand from his back

"To a beautiful lady" he said and handed me the flowers. it was the same one he gave me the day he gave me a massage. The permission thing

I took the flowers, smiling

"Thank you" I told him

He went to the wall and brought something that looked like a card. Or cards? I lowered my eyebrows and titled my head while he just smiled

Nothing was on the first card and that increased my wondering about what was happening. When he removed the first card, I still didn't what was happening but, at least, there was something on the second card. A writing with decorations around it. Yet again confused, I read the card

**From eleven years ago till last year, it could never even cross my mind that I will be able to do something like this, then a special someone came into my life**

I looked at him

*What is he talking about? Something like what?* I asked myself these questions, giving him a confused look. Not to brag, I knew the special someone but, that was the only thing I knew

He removed the card and I continued reading

**Somehow and anyhow, she made me open up to her. I stopped myself several times with excuses but, she just made a way into my mind, thought and heart**

He removed the card. I was smiling

**Although I've been alone, I've met several people but, this special person is someone I don't just want to meet. She's someone I want to be with forever**

Another card.

**I know that I don't deserve her but, I still want to be with her. I want to go through every phase of my life with her**

Another card

**With no big dreams in my eyes, I just want to be able to tell her that I love her every day of our lives. I want to shower her with all the love inside me and make her the most happiest woman in this world**

A card

**Actually, I think it can only be in this State**

I laughed and wiped the tears I didn't know were out

**But still, I love her. I love this woman**

He removed the card made me stand straight. It was a mirror with red roses at the edges. I looked at him and he put the mirror away, that was the last one. He put his hand in his pocket and got on one knee. I held my breath. He opened the box and I signed, trying to no avail to keep the tears at bay. It was a rose gold ring. It had a crown shape and a ruby was placed into the ground

"Mel" he called and I looked back into his eyes

"I know that I neither deserve you nor to say this but, I love you so much"

I smiled

"Melanie O'Roarke?" he called and waited for me to answer

"Yeah" I answered amidst tears

"Will you please marry Jace Welkins?"

I covered part of my face with my hands then looked at him, folding my lips. Then I smiled

"What do you think I would say?"

"Honestly, I think you will say yes"

I laughed

"I'm also hoping you say yes"

"And if I say no?"

"Get ready to receive my death certificate" he said shrugging his shoulders

I laughed and after a while, we just stared at each other

"Will you marry me?" Jace asked again

"If I were to live again for a thousand times, my answer will be the same" I paused and looked at him eyes on

"Yes" I said

He signed and smiled

"You almost gave me a heart attack there" he said

I laughed. He put the ring in my finger and it fit perfectly

"I guess we were meant to be together" Jace said

"Hmm?" I asked him

"Your ring finger is the same size of my pinky finger "

I scoffed

"You believe that stuff?"

"Uh hun" he said proudly

"Can I take my answer back?"

"Sorry, you only have a chance to answer once"

I touched my forehead as if I was sick

"What in the world have I done?"

"Making the best choice you could ever make" he said and we hugged