Quick Summary of the Ghost Rider

So, Ghost Rider tends to be publicly recognized, but information about his specifics aren't really mainstream knowledge outside of stuff in the Cage movie. This will lead a lot of people to come reading for the MHA part and not knowing much of the Ghost Rider part. So while the novel itself will try to give enough explanation on it's own, I decided a preliminary summary might be useful.

Important note: The Spirit of Vengeance is really only a curse if you don't want it, don't want to punish any sinners, or if it was tied to a devil, (Johnny Blaze usually suffering two or all three). The MC will have none of those, so it's less a curse and more just free power for him.

Here's a TLDR: The Spirit of Vengeance is separate from the Rider mentally unless fused later, and the Rider is the leash to the Spirit to stop it from running rampant. A Ghost Rider at full power is enough to fight World Breaker Hulk, nuff said. Riders are given great regen by the Spirit, regenerating limbs and his entire skull (in a transformed state). Yes when transformed he becomes a full skeleton, not just the head. Ghost Rider automatically transforms at night but is not restricted from transforming during the day. The Rider is generally in control but weaker than a max power Spirit, but the Spirit can take the wheel and kick up the power while relegating Rider to just hitting the breaks to stop it from killing anyone important.

So, first thing's first. A Ghost Rider consists of two parts, the Rider and the Ghost, otherwise known as the Spirit of Vengeance. Riders are generally normal people who have had the Spirit pushed onto them in one way or another, more commonly by Mephisto or a devil making a deal.

The Spirits of Vengeance are really strong, I'm talking at full power one hurt World Breaker Hulk, and the first known Ghost Rider killed a Celestial alongside Odin, The Phoenix and whoever else was on the Stone Age Avengers. And yes Spirits plural, there exist more than one.

They can use basic magic, like the hellfire they manipulate, can see and mess with souls, can detect sins and have the infamous Penance Stare. They can also transform stuff, like a shotgun into the hellfire shotgun, or a motorcycle or car into a vehicle of awesomeness. He also has super speed on his own, at least to like 200 MPH given the time he raced Angel and outran Thor's thrown hammer. They're pretty OP. But that's where the Rider comes in.

See, the whole purpose of the Spirit is to wander the earth punishing terrible sins. The backstory of why they do this is muddled, some comics say they're sent by God other say they're purely slaves of Mephisto. So far it seems the official conclusion is a bit of both, they were made by God, and a few are just used as tools by Mephisto.

But either way you slice it, they are pure power and aren't the best judges of which sin is worth killing over. So they are bound to the host as a kind of limiter, both in power and in morals. So they don't just run rampant and murder everyone, the host gets to say "Yes kill that one" or "No their sin was for a good cause, let them be". This means the host is not a slave, should they maintain proper control and not have a Devil directly holding their reigns. So no "MC is slave" complaints, no he ain't.

You do have to let the Spirit do it's job every now and then though. Should the Rider resist too much, the Spirit will start to mentally torture them.

The more experienced a Rider is, the more of the Spirit's power he can bring out, and not all of the powers of a Ghost Rider have been discovered yet. The Spirit prefers to hunt at night, but the Rider can obviously force a transformation during the day should the need arise.

Back to their powers, the Spirit itself is quite literally immortal. Only God can kill one, nothing short of that even the Devil himself. The Rider, is granted very, very good regeneration so they're quite hard to kill, but not quite immortal. Once he had his entire skull crushed, and the only consequence to that was the fact that he was now pissed off.

Fun fact, the most famous Spirit of Vengeance is probably the one that possesses Johnny Blaze, the most famous Ghost Rider. That's not actually a Spirit of Vengeance, but Zarathos, a competitor of Mephisto who equals him in power.

He just so happens to have nearly the exact same powers as a Spirit of Vengeance, and he was bonded to a medallion of power that basically ended up fusing with Johnny's bloodline iirc. So yeah, the most infamous Ghost Rider doesn't even use a normal Ghost.

Zarathos was once a pain in the ass, but ended up being a bro in the end. He also tends to be an amnesiac upon initial transfer, not knowing who he is. This was to prevent him from constantly trying to break his bonds or make dangerous plans.