Chapter 14: Prison Break

Up in the penthouse, All For One decided to get involved with getting Jackie to be more obedient, and so he showed up personally to talk to her in her cell. After seeing her talk to herself on the cameras prior, he knew something was up with her quirk, so he still didn't want to recklessly take it right away.

Instead, he simply squatted down and showed her a picture of Lyn and Jack at a cafe together, laughing and looking happy. "You know, your sister already moved on. It's sad certainly, but it's true."

"That's a lie. That was probably a one time thing, and she's still working around the clock to save me." Jackie vehemently denied it, fully believing her sister was trying everything in her power to save her.

"Oh she's been working hard all right, but I wouldn't say it's in the right direction." He played the new card that just arrived that night, a picture from a news leak, an All For One exclusive if you would. Showing it to her, she gasped. It was a picture of Ghost Rider being arrested.

"Why!? He was trying to save me! Heck he's the only one that even got close, so why arrest him?! Are they stupid?" By shifting the blame of this to Lyn, All For One not only eliminated the hope that Ghost Rider would find her, but reduced her trust in her sister in one fell swoop.

Jackie began to shake and tear up, her hope quickly fading as it seemed the police were content burning their best bridge to her.

"They only care about doing things by the books, even if it doesn't work. Even now, they're reducing their chances to save you, just so they can pat themselves on the back later for being good people."

But she steeled herself soon, as she seemingly listened to something, and nodded her head. "You're just showing me things out of context, trying to trick me. Well I won't fall for it. They will find me, you'll see."

Though she said this, deep down the doubts had been planted. Each passing day would whittle her resistance quicker than the last. He had over a hundred years of experience in manipulation, aged up or not no way a little girl could escape his influence.

With a hidden grin, All For One left the girl to wallow in her thoughts, while he turned his attention to that prison that Ghost Rider was sent to a couple hours ago. Looking at Kurogiri, he decided to start planning once more. If someone was gonna set the plate for him, he'd be unwise not to grab a few goodies.


Down in the prison, Jack had officially started his breakout attempt, by straining against his metal bindings. As expected of basically a giant steel coffin, it wouldn't move an inch. Plus, he heard something about how there's actually hydraulics inside this thing, that push back against any force from the inside, so he's not even just fighting stationary steel.

Not disheartened one bit, he went right back to pushing as hard as he could, and as he expected his strength was slowly increasing. Never had he used the full strength of the Rider, but having felt it used by the Spirit of Vengeance before, he knew how to tap into it.

Much like his first ever fight, he turned this confinement into a training opportunity, to push himself beyond previous limits and use more of the power hidden within him. From the outside, you could hear the metal creaking as it was pushed outwards, as well as the hydraulics pressing it back inwards whirring loudly.

From the cameras installed inside the cell, and the various observation equipment inside the steel container, the warden of the prison, as well as the warden of the island, knew exactly what was going on.

"I knew it, he wanted to get in here and break out. Luckily we'd guessed that he was a Mutation type, otherwise this would get very ugly very fast. Just in case, are the other preparations in place?"

As he asked this, four turrets, one in each corner of the room, were turned on and waiting to deploy at any moment. Back inside the metal prison, Jack was slowly but surely beating the machine and pushing his bindings outwards.

Perhaps if someone had told him he was currently pushing back dozens of tons of force, he'd be impressed but right now all he was focusing on was getting the hell out. Eventually, the hydraulics in the back exploded, having been pushed to their limit for too long.

Suddenly having dozens of tons of resistance vanish in an instant, Jack continued with his momentum and burst his limbs outwards, exploding the entire machine across the room, embedding it's shrapnel deep into the walls.

Instantly, the four turrets deployed from the ceiling, having been left up there just in case shrapnel would hit them. They fired sticky balls of highly dense foam, that quickly expanded and not only weigh a ton, but chained together to tie him down.

(AN: Think the things from The Incredibles, on the bridge.)

Perhaps this was meant for people who had lots of explosive, momentary strength and would have already exhausted themselves. Such a method was extremely genius for dealing with that exact situation. But slowly but surely, Jack was able to power through those things covering him and get to the door.

By the time he got there, he was basically just a mountain of black foam, and he was very annoyed by this. Having little experience in using his fire in more useful ways, he decided this was the next thing he needed to train.

And so he exploded fire out of his entire body, burning away all the foam in an instant as a pillar of fire arose around him. Alarms were set off as the temperature of the entire room spiked, and water was poured down from the ceiling in an automated attempt to cool the room down.

With the heat being as high as it was, it merely evaporated in an instant, and soon the entire room was hidden in steam, and the wardens lost visual on the Ghost Rider. Neither thought this was the end though, as they could hear his next move, the door to the cell being slammed.

At first, there was a gap between each punch. Time being taken to build up strength. Each punch landed heavily, echoing throughout the entire chamber. Slowly but surely though, the time decreased while the weight of the punches remained the same.

Soon, he was landing several in a second, and eventually they heard that one sound they were hoping they'd never hear. Cracking, breaking. He was breaking down a door, that was several feet thick, and directly built into both the wall and ceiling to increase it's defense.

This mean that the entire walls were also somewhat breaking, and all the way at the top of the prison, the Warden could notice a slight tremor in his coffee. "Sir, I don't think we'll be holding him for very long."

The Island Warden leaned back and sighed. It looks like his eagerness to apprehend the Ghost Rider was about to bite him in the ass. "Set all the on-grounds heroes into high alert, and be ready to call for outside help the instant this gets out of our control, but not a moment before."

Soon after, sirens wailed throughout the entire prison that Jack was contained in, but not the entire island, just in case it would make the other prisons get rowdy. An announcement came over the speakers, to the staff and security of the prison.

"Imminent breach in Sector 10. I repeat, there is an imminent breach in Sector 10. All security report to their stations right now! This is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill. Inmate breaching is known as the Ghost Rider."

Having known exactly who this is, the security scrambled to get ready from across the entire prison, while most villains were absolutely confused. None of them were allowed outside contact with the world, and most had been here for years, so they had no idea who the Ghost Rider is.

"Wait there's a section 10? I thought there were only five sections?" One inmate pointed this out, and an older one laughed.

"That's because the normal sections stop at five. Each number lower than the last. Section 10 is so far below Section 5 that it's named as such, and has just as many security layers between the two to boot. Which means whoever they put down there, is one scary motherfucker."

Suddenly, the whole jail shook, and everyone realized what had just happened. Whatever was down there, had just broken containment.

Jack, looking at the giant hole that not only broke down the entire door but sent spider web like cracks throughout the entire room. Looking at his fist smoking from the force of the blow, he walked out and looked up.

Obviously the elevator wasn't lowered, and he was so deep down he couldn't see the top of the shaft from down there. And so, Jack set about to run up the walls. Normally, no matter how fast you run, without gravity providing downward force and thus the friction you need, running up the wall would just push you off.

So substituting that force, Jack generated fire to push himself at the wall, while slightly upwards at an angle, to give himself a boost. And like that, Ghost Rider was now running up a wall.

Guards poured into Sector 5, all standing guard in front of the elevator shaft. Some had guns, some had quirks ready to let them rip at any moment. This all unfolded in front of prisoners in their cells, like civilians waiting for the bombs to drop during a war.

As they noticed some of the inmates were getting giddy, seeing this as their chance to finally escape, one of the higher ranking guards decided to rain on their parades.

"Just so you know, this absolutely isn't a good thing for you. Ghost Rider isn't a normal villain, he's a vigilante. Who loves to murder villains. In other words, if he beats us and gets to you, you've just went from the frying pan, straight into hell."

With that, all the villains immediately went from hoping he would win, to hoping he just causes enough chaos to break them free before losing. Yes, they still wanted their freedom because of course they did.

All eyes snapped forward, as the sound of metal tearing graced their ears, and a hand poked out of the elevator shaft door. "Hold your fire till my command!"

A second hand burst through, and started prying the door open. "Steady!"

Fingers twitched on triggers, as sweat flowed freely down their brows. "Steady!"

An orange glow was visible as the door slowly opened, revealing his flaming head. "Stay steady!"

As if the slow progress was a sick joke, Jack immediately ripped it wide open and jumped out. "FIRE! FIRE NOW!"

Prisoners with sensitive ears or eyes immediately covered them, as the prison hall was immediately enveloped in gunfire, explosions, and ranged quirks being thrown freely at Ghost Rider.

Already being used to pushing through attacks, Jack just ran right up the middle towards the group of guards. Shotguns and assault rifles slowed his approach, but ony slightly, while he punched through fire balls and other ranged quirks.

Then he leapt into the air and landed into the middle of them and tore apart their ranks, figuratively not literally. Like a wolf among sheep, he proceed in throwing them around the prison, punching them in the face, and slamming them into each other.

Once he got into the middle, they were forced to abandon firearms lest they shoot each other instead, which just fed into the one sided ass kicking. There were a few heavy hitters among the group, but Jack with his new and improved strength plowed them into the floor.

A big rock man slammed his fists down onto his head, implanting him into the floor. Jack just jumped out, grabbed his head and knee'd him in the face, cracking the rocks layering it and knocking him out cold.

Of course, taking on this many men at once was still time consuming, so the prison only lay still after ten minutes. Standing, among several dozen scattered unconscious bodies was the Ghost Rider, with only his jacket slightly tattered and his flames burning bright as ever.

Looking around the room, and seeing all the sin around him, he realized a detour would have to be made. Some, he deemed okay to just leave rot in prison. But others had sins simply too great, and he would have to take his own actions.

Those that he chose, clenched up their everything when his eyes locked onto theirs, and they all gulped. They were fucked, in every sense of the word besides actually.