
Zilzeck is punched across the throne room, his body rolls from the momentum. Captain Fon picks him up from the floor and punches him repeatedly. His arm transformed into iron. He swings Zilzeck by his leg and launches him straight into the floor.

Guards and demons watch cringing, Lithus steps forward.

''Uncle, stop this immediately!''.

He does not, he turns his foot into iron and stumps Zilzeck on the chest, the floor around him cracks. Although the hits Zelzick are taking are devastating, he takes them well and manages to compose himself.

''That's enough!''.

Captain Fon looks up, entering is a demon with large horns and long white hair. With his red cape dragging behind he enters the room with two gaurds beside him, one holds a short dagger and has a strong resemblance to a reptile, the other a lady with short black pointy horns and a flattering outfit which most definitely compliments her figure. She holds a long staff in her hand.

Lithus runs towards this grand figure.

''Father stop him, it's not Zelzicks fault for what happened I promise!''. She cries.

Captain Fon lift his leg off Zelzick and talks to the Demon King.

''Brother it was a mistake to send a low-born to the human world, because of this failure holding back the squad my son; the crest holder to my family has been slaughtered, what do you have to say?''.

Lithus chips in.

''Garguen didn't stick with the squad, he ran off immediately after we jumped! This has nothing to do with Zelzick, he tried to keep us together!''.

''I've heard enough.'' the Demon King says, walking towards the lying Zelzick. He adds.

''He may be a low-born, but his power is one that rivals even the strongest of royalty, I don't regret my decision of choosing him for this squad.''.

Captain Fon is furious, you can now start to see veins pop out from his forehead.

''What! How can you say that after seeing the results that this so called 'Top Squad' has shown, this is not only a defeat but an embarrassment to our people! The Angels have now not only killed 20% of our forces on earth, but also a Prince. Do you understand what this means for us!''. Captain Fon shrieks.

The Demon King walks towards his throne and sits on it, his two gaurds stand either side of him.

''I understand full well, we may have lost this battle, but the war is far from over, it has only just begun. Once we begin to nourish this generation of human hosts, we will then be able to fight the Angels more evenly. Hopefully then we will be finally be able to free the humans from their control and destroy the 'morals' in which they have been brainwashed with, so they can truly live how they are supposed to... How ever they please.''. The Demon King chants.

Captain Fon has heard enough, he exits the throne room fuming. Zelzick gets up from the floor and brushes himself off, Lithus runs towards him to see if he's alright.

''What happened over there today is a tragedy, yes, I understand why Fon acts the way he does. To potentially lose your crest is dire. This could mean that his family talent could now cease to exist past him.''. The King explains.

Zelzick walks towards the King and gets on one knee.

''I'm sorry your majesty, I failed in keeping the sqaud safe and have humilated demon kind.''. Zelzick says shamefully.

''No you haven't, there's nothing you could have done about it!''. Lithus quickly interjects.

''Even if that is the case I still need to act as King, Squads failing an assignment whoever's fault it may be most still be punished.''. The King Instructs.

Lithus and Zilzeck fall dormant, the King continues.

''By punishment of failing not only to protect the life of their comrade but also endangering the extinction of a royal talent, I hereby banish Zelzick back to his homeland of 'Oksun' where he should reside with other low-born.''.

Lithus shouts out

''That's not fair! He has sworn loyalty and his lif-''.

''Silence.''. The King retaliates.

''Lithus your punishment will be never to enter the human world again... Your lucky you are of higher standing otherwise it would be much worse.''.

She goes to say something once again to her Father, but Zelzick stands and talks for her.

''Very well your majesty, I shall be seeing myself out now.''.

Zelzick leaves the throne room, as he exits guards and noblemen stare at him from all around, each making it very clear that he is despised. He leaves the front of the palace and sees the chariot waiting for him, guards walk from behind him and grab each arm, Zelzick continues walking towards it. He sits in the back, Lithus runs out of the Palace towards the chariot, she calls to him.

''I will fix this! I promise you!''.

Zelzick waves at her and says nothing, a green tiny demon whips the strange devilish animals in front, and they gallop ahead, Zelzick takes one last look at the Palace and then faces forward.

The sound of the chariot and footsteps of the beasts sound so rhythmic.


Beep! Beep! Beep!

Adrian wakes up lying on the floor of his apartment, he quickly remembers what took place the day before and instantly starts to look around his small room. He looks out the window, everything seems somewhat normal. He stops his alarm clock from beeping.

Furthermore, he curiously goes into the bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror, after lifting his shirt he wonders how?

No bruises or injures, not even a scratch!

Adrian rolls his shoulders round, was I always this light?

His phone buzzes on the side, he goes to look, it is a text from an unknown number.

'Hi its Rose, I got your number off Matt in your Art class, I just wanted to say thanks once again, and wondered if I could see you today, if that's OK with you!'.

Adrian's luck has just changed, he messages her back, smiling cheek to cheek. Before he can celebrate, he notices the time, he's running late!

He quickly gets into clothes while frantically trying to brush his teeth. No time for food!

He exits his apartment and makes sure to shut the door behind him this time, without knowing it he easily jumps each flight of stairs, As he runs down several streets he wonders have they always been this empty?

A few people who are out turn and watch Adrian zoom past, visibly surprised at how quick he is.

He gets to college and does not even break a sweat, let alone take a breather! it's a lot more empty than it normally would be. Adrian without running navigates to his class, he stands outside and takes a deep breath.

He swings open the door and bows his head low, he calls out.

''Sorry for being late!''.

He holds his head down without looking up, inside the class are just two students looking at him. One of them is Rose, they both start to laugh; Adrian lifts his head.

''Class doesn't start for another 20 minutes.''. Says the male student.

Adrian puzzled, looks at his watch, it has only taken him 5 minutes to get to college?

Before he could think more into it, Rose jumps off the table she was sitting on and walks up to him.

''Matt here's been showing me all of your paintings, I didn't realize that you could draw so well!''. She says.

Adrian starts to feel out his element, he has never spoken to Rose in this setting before.

''Wow, thanks... Means a lot, I like to paint things that, me myself would like to see or experience even If I never can... Or even things which are completely alien to me! If that makes sense?''.

Adrian just stops talking, probably for the best.

Both him and Rose walk towards all the highly detailed small canvases in which he drew, these range from a steep cliff, a solar eclipse and a group of Dodo birds.

''So... which one do you like the most, if you like any of them that is!''. Adrian jokes.

Rose walks towards the 3 canvases and dramatically looks at all of them, she places her hand under her chin, playfully examining. She puts her hand down.

''I like... 'Progress' the best.''.

Adrian is surprised by her answer, he turns to Matt who says.

''What? She wanted to see ALL your paintings.''.

Adrian walks to the back of the class where a much bigger canvas is, although the painting is not finished you can see that it's a drawing of a couple sitting watching a fireworks display.

''Why would you pick this, It's not even finished?''. Says Adrian.

''I know, but I can tell once it is it's going to be amazing.''. She answers.

He once again becomes very shy, he remembers what he just said a minute ago of what he like to paint. Rose's phone starts to ring, she rolls her eyes at it.

''Sorry I have to go, my friend is adamant that I go to the hospital after last night even though I feel perfectly fine.''.

Her phone is still ringing, she asks Adrian.

''Are you sure you're alright? That guy really did hit you hard, you should probably go instead of me.''.

''I'm feeling better than ever actually, nothing a good night's sleep cant fix!'' Adrian laughs to himself.

Rose smiles.

''I'm glad to hear that, make sure to get home safe, see ya's!'' She leaves, closing the room door behind her.

Matt stands up from his chair.

''Woah Woah Woah, what? One minute your drawing your love life in the corner and the next fighting off dudes and getting girls? What the hell happened, what have I missed!''. Matt says exasperated.

''To be honest I'm still trying to make sense of it all myself, I remember everything so clearly but a lot of it just feels like a dream, a lot of what I remember dont even seem real?''. Adrian says while trying to figure it out for himself.

''Rigghhtttt...''. Matt responds.

The door to the class opens as more Art students come in ready for their lesson, Adrian breaks out of his deep thought and says.

''I'll tell you what happened after second lesson I promise, I really got to get this done''.

''Oh, you haven't heard?''. Says Matt.

''Heard what''. Adrian responds.

''It's a half day, they are closing the college early. Most likely something to do with whats been said on the news, apparently they are having an important meeting later to discuss whats going to happen. With a little luck hopefully our work deadline gets extended.''. Matt jokes.

Adrian can't make sense of what Matt is saying, Matt continues.

''Hey listen to this, there was this one dude earlier in the canteen who was saying yesterday he saw this weird bird creature thing get cut straight in half by a person with a sword, normally I wouldn't believe drunk stories like that but after the videos and stories that are being said on the TV. Maybe it's not so strange.''.

Matt starts adding shade to his drawing, Adrian leans back in his chair and looks out the window.


On the TV, breaking news. A newscaster is showing online phone footage of other-worldly beings out in public, one video shows a purple demon with 4 arms wandering the streets curious at all the people. Another shows a small red imp scaling up a building and another video is CCTV footage an obese demon helping himself to conveyor belt sushi.

Adrian lies on his bed watching this on his TV, he flicks through the channels and finds every channel is talking about this, he watches a debate.

''Do you think this is an international prank done by a large group of people and if so does this go too far?''. She asks one of the of the guests.

''I don't know what this is, however I know for a fact that anyone who thinks that there are now monsters roaming the street is a moron, and anyone who says they have witnessed one of these aliens was either too wasted for their own good or just trying to seem more interesting than they actually are, funny how there's now none of them around anymore, huh?''.

He says grudgingly, the other guest opposite her quickly answers him.

''Now first this is most definitely not a prank as lives have been lost, and second the reason why we are yet to find solid evidence is that any hell-spawn corpses which are left are straight away hidden by our government, this is not a theory but a fact. We are witnessing god's divine punishment for-''

Before he could finish, the other guest pulls out his mic and gets up to leave, he mutters as he does.

''OK, I've heard enough of this crazy-''.

Adrian turns off the TV

He takes a long deep breath and rolls to his side. He pulls out his phone and goes to his chat log with Rose, he stares at it.

Suddenly his heart beat is intense, Adrian groans. His phone falls onto the floor, he crawls into the bathroom. Still in immense pain he lifts his shirt. A dark black circular pattern begins to form on his stomach and grows in size.

Adrian falls backwards and lands into the bathtub, he manages to pull himself out to go into his room. He falls to his knees wincing in pain, suddenly a small black circle appears and hover's directly in front, it's grows bigger and bigger till you can no longer see the other side of the room.

One legs pokes out through the portal, someone walks through.

Zelzick steps through and looks down, Adrian once again speechless, he can only watch in disbelief.

The portal stabilizes, Zelzick turns to the desk and starts looking through all of Adrian's magazines, he starts pulling one's out to get to the ones in the back. He finds the same dirty one which he was reading last time and opens it.

''I didn't get to see how this finished last time, glad I can now.'' Says Zelzick

Adrian starts to come back to his senses and gets to his feet, the black markings on his body now gone. He is wondering who is this guy, and what is his problem?

Zelzick turns a page and goes bright red from blushing, he swiftly shuts the book and places it back.

''Woaaahh and that's enough of that!''. Zelzick says as he sits on Adrian's chair.

''What… Are you?''. Adrian asks carefully.

''Me? I'm the same as you, a demon''. He responds.

Adrian looks more confused than he already was, Zelzick sighs and stands back up to introduce himself.

''My name is Zelzick Yelanuf of 'Oksun' village, Low-born and former Shadow Crest holder. Nice to meet you....?''.

''Adrian''. He replies awkwardly.

Zelzick was hoping for a more enthusiastic response. He shouts out.

''Adrian, of course! I can see it now... Adrian of room 6, former human and current Shadow Crest Holder!''. He stops himself.

''No, that does not sound right at all''. Zelzick adds.

Adrian is starting to grow tired of the silly antics. He asks.

''Hey umm... Mr Devil man.''.

''Zelzick.''. He quickly corrects.

''Yeah that, umm. Why are you here... Again... And what's with all the crazy stuff going on.''. Adrian questions.

Zelzick places his hand on Adrian's shoulder.

''If you come through this portal with me back to the Demon realm I promise I will answer any question you give me, not only that inside it not dangerous at all. If anything, the other demons of the village will treat you like a hero! What do you say?''. Zelzick convinces.

''No''. Adrian says, promptly shutting him down.

''No? What you mean no!''. Zelzick takes a deep breath, he guides Adrian to the bed by his shoulder and they both sit down.

The slap stick energetic mood Zelzick brought has now become bit more serious. He says.

''Truth is kid, your not really... Human any more. You are like a hybrid of both demon and human. Yesterday when I found you, I transferred you my family crest, this means that soon you too will be able to wield the power of shadows like me. I want you to come with me, so I can help hone your new powers. At the moment, Angels are out there hunting demons and anyone who has been given a crest, and they won't stop in till we are all dead. I understand if you hate me for doing this to you; I really do. But if you come with me right now, I can help give you the power to not only potentially save yourself but also others. I won't force you to come, but what do you say?''.

Adrian looks at Zelzick, a long pause is held.


We see the college that both Adrian and Rose attend.

A balding man is sitting reading a contract in front of him, he has two people opposite him.

The Man speaks.

''This is stupid, has management finally lost its mind sending you two here. Not only do you want to open the college during this... Mess! But also screen our students to see if they are 'Demons'?...''.

He sighs and goes on.

''Cant argue with the government, i'll send the message out although I cant promise all will attend. What would you even do if you managed to find one of these demons?

We see Mark and Charlotte sitting opposite him, eyes both stern.

It zooms in closer on Charlotte's face, her expression paired with her scar creates a look no one would want to mess with. She says bluntly.

''Dispose them.''.