So eve how long du we need to walk to your home?
We need only walk 10min home so wenn don't need to walk so long I hope this is ok.
Yea it is all ok I like to have walk some time I have no problem with it.
Ok so Emelie du you want to know about me but I have one question for you.
How did you know that you are a lesbian and wat did you parents said about it.
I found it in the in the first year of middle wenn all girls around me talk about her boyfriend or talking about which they find cut and this stuff and I had no interest in this stuff but one day I so a girl in school and my heart started beating and after 1 or 2 month I ask her for a Date.
but she said no and after that my hole school knows about and I got bullyed and after 2 weeks I switch school to this school here and my parents don't know that im a lesbian because they hate all wat to do with lgbtq. So I probably won't tell them they hate my my hole life.
A this is really shit but wenn you at my home you can be free and we are already there so this here is my house welcome to my home.
Wow you have a nice Hause.
Come in Emelie mom I'm home and Emelie is with me.
Welcome back honey and welcome Emelie the pizza is ready so we can eat first and then you two can do your stuff ok Emelie you can call me sushi.
So Emelie do you like pizza.
Yea it is my favorite food.
That is good that you like it so come in and tacke a site and eat so Emelie one which school do you before this one.
I go to the shourio middle school but I switch school because i got bullyed so I switch school but now in really glad that I am on this school now because I lost all of my friends so but I found a new one and I'm so glad about is.
Emelie why did you got bullyed in your old school.
Sushi I got bullyed because I'm a lesbian and so I lost all of my friends hat gay and everything that
are related to lgbtq and my family to so i don't told them.
Emelie it is all ok here in our house you can be wat you want.
Oo thank you sushi Eve told me the same I'm so glade that I know you and I love eves comics I read them all.
So you ate up so now you can go up to eves room.
Ok Mom we going now in my room.
Thank you sushi for the pizza.
So Emelie welcome to my room it is nothing special but I love him.
Wow I looks as I thought it look so nice.
So this here is my work here is my pc with my drawing Tablet and there is bed and here is my shelf with my books.
This is my little Kingdom.
Eve I really like your room.
So wenn you want we can start now with the teaching wenn you want. Yes of course but draw we digitally or on paper eve.
I think we draw digitally because I have no paper here so yea wait i start the pc quick.
So we start really simple Cube in 3d i Show you First look it is pretty simple do you think you can redraw this.
Yea I think I can do this I try it ok let's go.
Eve dose it look so bad I tryed my best.
Emelie no it looks really cool you get a nice 3d Objekt and now we try to draw a landscape again like the Same like we did in school i show you a basic one very simple one.
Ok eve I try my best.
Ok you can draw very basic one come one let's try it.
Ok now how looks this I try my best but I'm so bad at drawing and I'm so sry that I waist your time eve.
No it is not so bad it is better than the one at school so you increase your skill wenn you exercise with me then you can get really good at drawing.
Ok then we can do this more times a week so those this means we can do this tomorrow to.
Yea wenn you want but only wenn you want.
Yea of course I like it but wenn do you have time to draw your comics wenn i come to you Most of the day time.
It is all ok I draw most of them even so it is all ok really.