Eve have a nice and Safe Trip Home and thanks for the practice.
Emelie this is not a big deal I had a lot of teaching you how to draw better and you have a nice trip home and don't forget to ask your parents for tomorrow.
Yea I don't forget it see ya tomorrow bye.
Yea see ya.
I hope my mom said yes I think so but I know nothing about Emelies parents I m nervous I hope they said yes then I would love to see her home and her room but now I'm home.
MOM I'm home.
O hey honey how was your day.
My day was pretty nice had a lot of fun and mrs huber was impressed by how quickly Emelie improved so I did a good job.
That is nice honey pls come in thought kitchen lunch is ready.
Mom wat is there to eat I hope something tasty.
Yea like all day we have to day spaghetti with tomato sauce I hope you like it.
Yea mom I like to and i have a question for you.
Yea wat is.
Can I go tomorrow to emelie after school.
Yea wenn Emelies parents are ok with it.
Ok then I write Her that is is ok from you and I ask he if it is from her parents ok and the spaghetti was really good Thank you mom.
No problem honey.
I go now in my room mom is that ok.
Yea of course you eat up so go ahead.
Thank you mom.
So now I will write Emelie quick Hey Emelie I hope you got safe home and my mom said wenn you parents allow it then I can come with you home tomorrow. Now just wait for her answers why am I so nervous now o she answered hey Eve yea I got safe home and my parents said you can come with me home tomorrow and pls say sushi hallo and thank you from me have a nice day bye.
Mom mom Emelies parents said yes and hallo and thank you from Emelie.
Why did she said thank you.
Idk maybe that I can go with her home.
But for that she don't need to say thank you Eve she has her heart on the right place she is a really nice person.
Yea that is she.
Now I go to my room and start drawing and sketching Mom I love your bye.
I love your to honey.
Wat time is it a Shit It is already it is 22 a clock I write Emelie quick Emelie i hope you had a nice day and i hope you sleep well to night and see ya tomorrow and I'm so excited for tomorrow and now just wat 10min later why is she not answering maybe she is sleeping o not she isn't she answered hey Eve I hope you had a nice day and I'm so excited for tomorrow to and have a nice sleep and don't draw to long :) bye see ya tomorrow no I will not draw so long I think I like her really but not back to the drawings.
Eve eve wake up you over sleep again.
Shit aa now I need to hurry up.
Bye mom see you in the EVE.
Bye honey have a nice day and fun by Emelie bye.
I hope emelie don't need to wait so long for me there she is.
Hey Emelie I hope you did wait to long for me hehe.
No I don't wait long but how long did you draw last night that you overslept again Eve.
Hehe I have no Idee how long I draw last night but not s long and I'm really excited to go to your home after school.
Yea me too I hope you like my home.
Let's go Emelie we have the first lesson in 5min.
Yup let's go.