Chapter 13

Eve do you like salad.

Yea but it is not my favorite food but I eat it sometimes.

That is nice to hear Emelies favorite food is salad and she doesn't like fast food that is why we never eat this kind of stuff right Emelie.

Yea of course mom.

But Emelies favorite food is pizza wat is going on here I need to talk to her after we eat lunch.

Eve wat is your favorite food.

Ehh my is spaghetti with tomato sauce.

Aa this is also like fast food right Emelie.

Yea mom.

Thank you mrs Wilson for the Good salad.

Yea thank you mom we go now in my room ok.

Yea Emelie you can go see you later.

Come with me Eve.


Emelie i have a question do you talk with you your parents about wat you really want because they said that you like salad and you said that you love Pizza.

No not really they have they opinion and they not change it so I just say wat they want to here tell them my opinion.

But this is not a right relationship between you and your parents but wenn you want to talk about stuff you can always come to my house and talk with me and my mom.

Thank you Eve you really are my best friend.

Emelie but one day you need to tell them that you are a lesbian.

No why wenn im old enough I move to a nother city this is the same so and mybye with my girlfriend wenn I have that would be so nice.

Yea I hope you will find the right one.

Aww Eve you are to sweet( huging)

But wat are we doing now.

Ehh we can drawing are we can go for a walk and wenn do you need to be at home.

I need to be at home at 19 a clock like you.

A ok that means we have 4 hours yea we can go on a walk first we can go to the river there is ist pretty nice.

Yea we can go ther it sounds nice let's go.

I tell my mom and dad quickly.

Ok do that.

Come eve let's go.

Ok i will follow you.

Hehe Oki.

Eve that is a question that is about sushi had she find a new partner.

Yea she has one but I never Shaw her but it is a girl and not a boy and my mom said she is super nice and she really like her.

That is nice I hope you see her son.

Wenn the time has come that my mom wants to show me her than is the time for that.

Yea you are so kind, here we are dose it not look beautiful eve.

WOW it is a very nice view.

Dose you want a ice cream because I want wann and it is right there so not far away.

Yea I would love to have on but I can buy me one by myself.

No eve you are to day my guests so I pay for it.


Eve wat flavor do you want.

Ehh can I have a chocolate one pls is this ok.

Yea of course here take this.

Oo thank you Emelie wat flavor do you have Emelie.

I have vanilla I love it so much so do you want to talk with me about something that is on your mind.

Yea I have something but this is not the time for it maybe I tell you some other day.

Ok but I have something that i want To ask you.