Chapter 17

So you come with me after school to day right.


Ok it is possible that we see to day mom's girlfriend then she wants to talk to me about something but I was to late so she did talkt to me about that.

So eve wat is the problem with it.

So it is not a really problem but I'm nervous and I don't know why.

A this is normal it is all ok and wenn it is to day I am with so so you don't be nervous and I don't think your Mom won't bring some body home that you won't like.

Yea you are right.

But eve we will see it after school so we need to wat but we need to go back to the class.

Yea you are right yea we need to go back.

Emelie can we talk in the next break to.

Yea of course.

Next break

So wat do you want me to talk about eve.

Ehhh I forgot wat i want to talk to you I'm so sry Emelie.

A it is ok eve but we have time now so we can draw Now.

Yea you are right so let's draw something wat is on your mind I draw this to ok and we look at the other ones at the end of the break is that ok.

Yea we can do it this way.

So let's start we have not so much time we have only 20min.


So we draw 10min how far are you with your picture Emelie.

Im half way done with it and you eve.

Ok im almost finished with my so I will wait for you Emelie.

Ok but you don't need to wait for you can go back to the class wenn you want to.

No it is all ok I will wait for you it is not a big deal so I have noproblem with it.

Ok but I am almost finished to so I need only 4min I hope this is ok for you.

Yea just draw in your time and time that you need.

O thank you eve you are so kind.

A no Problem I just do this because I hope other people do the same to me sometimes.

So eve my picture is now finished do you want to see it Eve.

Yea of course and here is my.

Wow eve you picture is beautiful I can see it comes from your mind I really like it.

O thank you but your picture is also beautiful you can see that is wat life you want some day with your girlfriend you just want to life your life In happiness it is really great but you need to hide it for the class and your family.

Yea I know but maybe you can take it to your home.

Yea but shit we are to late for the next lesson.

Shit eve mr Johnson will kill us yea shit.

Oo the school is finally over come let's go home Emelie.

Yea let's go are you nervous eve.

Yea a little bit but I got your on my side and my mom won't do anything that I doesn't like.

Yea then sushi is a great mom she will only the best for you.

Yea My mom is the best.

So we are almighty home I'm getting more nervous.

It is all ok eve come down eve.

O yea there is somebody home.

Why eve.

There is a car that I never seen before our house.

Aa I don't want to get in I'm to nervous Emelie wat should I do now.

Come to me a I will hug you.


Eve it is all ok you need do come down your Mom would never do something that you don't like so come down.(huging)

Yea you are right so let's go in.

Yea let's go.