Chapter 22

So wat do we have now in the first lesson eve.

Ehh I have no clue but we will see and can we meet in the break on the rooftop I want to talk to you about tomorrow.

Tomorrow aa yea the Thema Park Yea Yea I get it Ok then let's bring the lesson over quickly.


So eve how was the lesson for you yea it was pretty ok but now we have a nother lesson before we have the break.

Yea but then we have Break and that is nice so just try to get the lesson over so o there is the teacher.


So let's start the lesson.

Aaa finally we have the first break so let's go quick to the roof Emelie.

Yea let's go.

So eve you want to talk about tomorrow with we right.

Yea so I had the idea the we go to the Thema Park so around 13 a clock we meet in front of the school because it is almost the same way for both of us and then we go together to the Park how does this sounds.

It sounds good then we have enough time in the park and we can stay longer I ask my mom to day before school and I can stay for tomorrow out for 22 a clock so this isn't Problem.

O nice my mom said that I can stay so long like you so this is super nice .

Yea this really good but do you eat lunch at home or do you want to eat in the park Emelie.

Ehh I think it would be nice wenn we eat together right.

Yea so then we eat lunch together tomorrow.

Yea that will be fun.

I have a nother question Emelie.

Ok wat is it.

So I don't know wat I clothes for tomorrow then I have no clue.

Ehh eve you have to decide where you fell comfortable in the park my self have no clue wat I wear so i can not help you I'm sry eve.

No no you don't need to be sry it is all ok but we need to go back to class then the next lesson is starting in 2 min.

O shit yea eve let's hurry and go.


So let's talk more in the next break.

Yup ok.

Next break

So finally we have the next break.

Yea school is today not fun.

Yea but wat lesson do we have after the break Emelie.

Ehh let me think quickly I'm sry but I have no idea wat we have now.

It is all ok Emelie.

Oki but wat are we doing now eve.

Ehh we can just talk about stuff do you have something in your mind that you wan to tell me.

Mmm yea I have something about sushi and Hilda.

Ok i hope I can answer it.

Ok do you know when or if she will move in with you two.

Ehh i thinks my mom said they will try to live together in one week and it is for a week so yea basically yea but also no I am really excited about it how it feels to life like a real family.

Wenn she is there for a week can I come Over often then I would like to know her better.

Yea of course your are my best friend so yea you can come over wenn ever you want said my mom to me because you are a nice girl she said.

Aww Sushi is so nice I would love to come over but I never stayed over night maybe we can do it in this week.

Yea of course I can ask my mom and you can ask your mom.

Yea and we see us tomorrow and so we can tell each other wat they said.

Yea let's do this this way.

O shit eve we need to go back to class the lesson starts it 1 min.

Shit let's run go go.
