Chapter 30

So were is the next map a there she is so wat do we do next.

Ehh Emelie there is a Arcade do you like them.

Ehh eve I never bin to an arcade in my hole life my parents don't like Games that mutch and Yea but I would love to to this now wenn you ok with it.

Yea of course come let's go this will be fun.

Ok wenn you say it.

Come hurry we need do cross the hole park to get to the arcade Emelie.

Ok eve how does a arcade work.

Emelie i will explain it wenn we are there and will show you it at the Same time.

Ok Yea that makes more sense.

Emelie we are almost there you can see the hall.

O yea I am excited.

So let's go in Emelie.

Wow so many stuff you can do.

Yea come let's get some coins that we can play stuff.

O ok we're do we do this eve.

We do this on the Machines there.

Ok let's go there.


So Emelie How much money do you want to put in to coins.

Ehh so how mutch money is one coin.

Ehh here on the Machine stands that one coin is 50 Pennys.

A thank you ehh then I will trade 20 dollars.

Ok now we have 40 coins were do we start Eve.

Ehh let's start with the dancing stuff can you dance Emelie.

Ehh no o never really dance I only dance a little in my chair wenn I listens to music.

A ok but now you need to dance with you hole body so let's try it after they finished.

Ok but I think I am really bad at dancing.

Non you will be great it is only for fun you don't need to put pressure on you just have fun.

Sry I'm used to that at home.

O ok but now you are not home you are here with me.

Yea you are right and by the way wat time is it.

Ehh it is 15:20.

Thank you eve that means we have so much time left the park is closing at 21 a clock but we need to be there at home.

Yea but I have a idea for our last ride.

Wat is is it.

No I will not tell you.

Aww why.

Because it is a secret but you will see it later hehe.

Aww Oki but now let's dance.


O wee need only one coin for us so I put one in and now dance.

O we can choose a song so wat song to they have.

Emelie do you know eny of the Song.

Ehh I don't think so just choose one you like eve.

Ok then i will choose this one.

Now let's dance.


Wow this is really fun.

Yea I know that you would love it Emelie.

Yea you was right with it but now focus on the dancing.

Ok now it will go faster.

Ok Now Focus.

Wow we got 20546 points this is not bad we get 2 Stars this is not bad for the first time I think.

Yea Good job Emelie.

Do you want do that again Emelie.

Not yet but maybe later I want to do something different now.

Ok let's look wat you want to do next.


Do you want to play a race game or something else.
