Hidden Regrets

Nawa closed the door of the Hall of Beauty, then turned to Heuras and smiled sweetly. The emaciated man who had just received a smile from one of the Seven Beauties simply nodded, while sitting on the ledge leaning against the post, hands tightly gripping the iron rod.

"You shouldn't be so nice to them," Heuras muttered in a deep voice, but it sounded so bitter to Nawa's ears.

The mature woman who had a near-perfect stature walked over. She stood in front of Heuras, hands on the ledge, head tilted up, and gazing affectionately at the cornflower blue flowers.

Nawa finally looked down again after a while, and then looked at the pale man calmly. "Father doesn't have to worry like this all the time. They, however, wouldn't have ended up like this if Lord Immortal hadn't committed this crime ever again."