Briel swallowed her saliva.

'I'm sure this must be just a dream, right? There's no way he'd be back so soon, could he?' Briel thought as she rubbed her face.

Briel gasped when the figure saw her. She was again gulping down her saliva when the seemingly unmistakable figure did indeed appear. Briel didn't dream and saw a figure in human form that looked so real with a face that Briel fully believed that it was indeed a human face.

"What do you want?" asked Briel nervously.

The man clenched his fists. He looked at the large wall where the painting Briel had just finished.

"Explain it all, Gabriela Anastasya Sasongko!" shouted the man as he turned and glared at Briel, his hand still pointing at the large wall right at the large painting that Briel had made. The large painting was a portrait of a man's face that almost filled the center of the great wall.

That person was none other than Erland, the man who married Briel a few days ago. However, how could he return so quickly when he had previously been on a business trip with a travel time that should have lasted eight days from the start of his departure?

Briel's heart skipped a beat. It feels like there will be a war after this. However, what was wrong with what she was doing? Didn't Erland himself say that Briel was free to do anything in the house? This means that Briel also has the right to change something in the house for her convenience so that she feels comfortable while living in the house.

Wait a moment! Briel gasped again when she remembered that Erland had just said her full name.

"How do you know my full name? Are you secretly watching me? Or, could it be that you have people in this house spying on me?" asked Briel.

Erland covered his face. Was he unemployed so he had to waste time keeping an eye on Briel? Briel was too much, even Erland didn't care one bit about Briel. He didn't want to know anything about what Briel was doing.

However, he was surprised when he entered his bedroom for the first time after several days of not entering the bedroom, he saw a painting of a man's face on the wall that was supposed to be where his beautiful painting was displayed and could make his morning excited when he saw it. It was the painting that Erland liked the most out of all the paintings in the Erland residence. Therefore, Erland kept it in his room. Not even a single person dared to touch his painting, let alone move it. If it needs to be cleaned, then only Erland has the right to do it. But just look, Briel is so presumptuous of touching his personal belongings, especially the things he likes.

Once again, Briel was surprised when Erland looked back at her with such a fast movement.

'This man! He keeps surprising me!' Briel thought irritably.

Briel intends to get out of bed. How does Erland know her full name? One thing Briel wanted to do right now avoided Erland. Living near Erland could drive Briel crazy. The reason is that Briel doesn't like Erland, especially Erland's arrogant face, according to Briel. Couldn't Erland put on any other expression than such a serious expression? Maybe Erland's face is like what happened in Pinocchio's story, where his face is made of wood carving, so it's very difficult to move.

"Where are you going? We're not done yet!" Erland growled while tugging at Briel's leg. Suddenly Briel became prone.

Being in such a position made Briel panic and kept moving her legs so that Erland could release his legs.

"I have nothing to do with you! Let me go!" shouted Briel.

"Oh yeah? My painting, who told you to move it somewhere else? Who allowed you to make such a disgusting painting on my bedroom wall?" shouted Erland.

"What are you doing?" Erland screamed while holding his chin, which was in excruciating pain.

Briel didn't do it on purpose. She reflexively tried to change her position so that she was no longer on her stomach. She accidentally made her leg lift and hit Erland's chin.

To be honest, Briel reacted like that out of panic when Erland started to kneel on the bed. Briel was afraid that Erland would mistreat her.

"How dare you say my painting is disgusting! Don't you know that the person I painted there was the man who first captured my heart?" shouted Briel.

Erland growled. Briel was truly shameless for daring to say all that. What made Erland even more furious was that Briel dared to paint her lover's face in his private bedroom, a room that always calmed him and always managed to relieve his tiredness.

Erland got out of bed, he stood back up.

"I was wrong in my words, not the painting is disgusting, but the maker is disgusting. Even shamelessly, you changed my bedroom! You have to pay for all this!" shouted Erland.

"What the hell? I told you, I have nothing to do with you! You freed me from living in this house, then why did you get angry when you found out I painted on that wall? Besides, what's so special about that wall? All walls are the same, all made of building materials!" growled Briel.

Erland pulled Briel's leg again until Briel was now on her back on the bed. Erland quickly positioned himself on top of Briel's body without pressing Briel, but Erland quickly held Briel's hands left and right.

'What will he do? Oh my,' thought Briel, increasingly agitated.

"Look at my face, don't tell me you forgot this face! I am the man who married you a few days ago, and look, how dare you riot in my house, even in my bedroom! I will not forgive you!" growled Erland.

"Get out of the way!" Briel hit Erland's penis with her knee. Erland reflexively jumped amidst the pain from avoiding falling to the floor.

"Are you a woman?" shouted Erland. Erland really couldn't understand it, Briel only had an innocent expression on her face but her attitude was really rude and inappropriate for a woman where a woman should be sweet and graceful, not haughty like Briel.

Briel quickly got off the bed and stood in front of Erland.

Briel stared at Erland for a moment, a sharp look, Erland could see clearly and he could see from Briel's eyes that Briel didn't like him. Not much different from Briel, Erland also looked at Briel with a gaze that was no less sharp.

Briel smiled sarcastically, she rushed to grab her bag and took her mobile phone. She opened one of the drives on her mobile phone and returned to Erland.

"Hey, monsters!"

"What do you mean?" Erland asked while still staring intently at Briel.

"Listen to this carefully, and don't forget to apologize to me after hearing it!" said Briel firmly.

Briel pressed something on the screen of her phone and heard someone's voice on the screen.

Erland clenched his fists. He walked past Briel just like that.

"Hey! You were irresponsible, you disturbed my peace, and now just walk away!" shouted Briel angrily.

Erland ignored Briel's screams, he continued walking out of the bedroom.

'Gosh, my youth will be ruined after this,' murmured Briel angrily.