Briel slumped in her chair. Her hands went into the gravy which was still quite hot, and not only that the gravy was also spicy.

"Hey! Monster! How dare you leave me after what you did to me!" Briel screamed so loud it made Lely and Sammy run towards her.

"What's wrong, Miss? Why is Miss screaming?" asked Lely frantically.

"My hand fell into this soup," said Briel, pointing to the bowl of soup on the table.

"What? Then why not clean it up immediately? The soup is still quite hot, the soup is also spicy. Later, Miss's hand will feel hot," said Lely, panicking.

Briel seemed to realize that danger was approaching her. She quickly ran to the sink and washed her hands there.

Meanwhile, at the dinner table.

"I thought what was wrong? Mrs. Briel screamed that loud. It made me panic. I thought there was a monster here," said Sammy, breathing a sigh of relief after panicking.

Yes, of course, Sammy panicked. He will feel guilty if something happens that endangers his employer. This means that he cannot carry out his duties properly as a security officer there.

"Yeah, that's how it is. Looks like we have to get used to this situation. That's good too. This house that used to be like a cemetery, is now like a night market. Crowded," said Lely, then chuckled.

Sammy also laughed at what Lely said.

"But, where is Mr. Erland? Doesn't he know that his wife was injured?" asked Sammy, confused.

"Earlier they argued. Then Mr. Erland moved dinner to the back garden," said Lely.

"Really? Do you know much about them? You've been at home all day," said Sammy curiously. Sammy suddenly became interested in gossip.

Right, thought Sammy. Since Briel arrived at this home, the atmosphere in the house had become extraordinary. Incredibly messy.

"No, but small fights like that are common in domestic relationships. That's also good. If you keep getting along, you'll experience what's called getting bored quickly," Lely said, then chuckled again.

Sammy fell silent. He doesn't understand the problems that married people face. How will he understand? Even he's single.

"But, by the way. Miss Briel is no ordinary person. She looks cute from the outside, but she has extraordinary strength," said Lely.

"Really? What is she doing? Did she make trouble again after changing Mr. Erland's bedroom?" asked Sammy curiously.

"Hmm... By the way, it's not that simple--" Lely quickly turned to Sammy. She glared at Sammy, making Sammy suspicious of Lely.

"You must not provoke me by asking that question again, or you will regret it after listening to what I have to say later!" said Lely firmly.

Sammy swallowed. Was it so scary that he would regret it after hearing it? Why did Sammy become afraid of his master's wife?

"Ouch, my hands are really on fire!" Briel screamed, then made Lely and Sammy startled.

"Okay, I'll get back to work," said Sammy.

Lely nodded and rushed to Briel. Arriving in the kitchen, Briel was seen waving her cleaned hand.

"Miss, does Miss's hand feel hot?" asked Lely anxiously.

"Yes, it's really hot. It makes me uncomfortable, almost all your palms and the backs of your hands feel like they're going to burn," complained Briel.

"Wait a moment." Lely hastily grabbed a bottle of vegetable oil and walked over to Briel.

"Use this, Miss," Lely said as she opened the lid of the vegetable oil bottle in her hand.

"Why should I use vegetable oil? Are you going to fry my hands? Are you and your master conspiring to torture me in this house?" asked Briel while glaring at Lely.

Lely was flabbergasted. She just wanted to provide a solution so that the burning sensation in Briel's hands disappeared by pouring vegetable oil into Briel's palms and rubbing it on Briel's palms. Unexpectedly, Briel thought that far. Does Lely look like a villain? It felt like Lely was always trying to be a good woman who didn't dare to hurt anyone.

"Um... It's not like that Miss. This vegetable oil can help get rid of the heat in the hands," said Lely.

"Just put vegetable oil in your master's hand, if necessary fry his hands and body! He is crazy, he dares to commit domestic violence against me, I will contact the women's protection commission. I can't accept all this!" Briel growled then left Lely just like that.

Lely sighed. Yes, her thoughts on Briel were correct. Briel is an extraordinary woman with all her thoughts being overly suspicious of others.

Lely thought of Erland, she tried to peek into the back garden to see what her master was doing. Why didn't the master meet Briel even though Briel had shouted so loudly? Isn't the master worried?

'Oh my God, he's sitting and still smoking, even though his wife is injured. I don't understand how he and Miss Briel ended up getting married. It was strange to see this sight. Not long ago Mrs. Briel came to this house, which means he and Mrs. Briel haven't been married long, right? The newlywed relationship should be very sweet,' thought Lely.

"Did that woman ask you to spy on me?" Erland asked to make Lely surprised.

Unexpectedly her master noticed her presence at the door leading to the back garden.

Erland threw away his cigarette and walked towards Lely.

"Keep your limits, Lely! I brought you to this house. I gave you the salary, not that crazy woman! Don't side with her, don't be fooled by her innocent face!" Erland said.

"No sir. I'm not siding with anyone. Besides, I have to serve Mr and Mrs in this house," said Lely awkwardly.

Erland didn't say anything else. He passed Lely but then his steps stopped when Lely called out to him.

"That, sir. You must be nice to Miss Briel, or you will get into legal trouble," Lely warned.

Erland turned around, he looked at Lely seriously.

"What do you mean?" Erland asked.

Erland was confused. Since Briel's arrival at his house, Lely had become presumptuous of his. Actually, what had Briel been doing? Did Briel bribe Lely? Thinking about it then made Erland feel that it might happen. What's more, Briel was secretly recording his voice. Briel is sly, Erland thought.

"Earlier Mrs. Briel said she would report what you did at the dinner table to the Women's Protection Commission," said Lely.

"What do you mean?" said Erland in surprise. what is the connection between the incident where Briel's hand fell into the soup and the Commission for the Protection of Women? thought Erland.

"Mrs. Briel's hand is on fire. She considers what you did as domestic violence. Therefore, she will report this to the Women's Protection Commission," said Lely.

Erland clenched his fists.

"In that case, I should have broken her hand straight away!" Erland said annoyed and left Lely.

Hearing what her master said, Lely was dumbfounded. How scary, she thought.

"Hey, Master! Please don't do that! Miss Briel will eventually dump you if you continue to treat her harshly. Women only like gentle and loving men!" shouted Lely. However, Erland didn't care at all.

'This Lely, she pisses me off! How dare I break a woman's hand? After all, she was too partial to that crazy woman! If it continues like this, I'll probably be kicked out of my own house!' Erland thought angrily halfway to his bedroom.