After finished preparing, Erland came out of the bedroom and went down to the ground floor. He saw his mother and Briel sitting at the dining table.

"Briel, before we go, make some coffee for Erland first. Mommy is worried that he will sleep on the street because he woke up so early," said Erland's mother with a mocking smile.

Briel looked at Erland. She can't make coffee. The first time she made coffee for Gerald at that time, she couldn't even remember the amount and didn't know if it tasted good or not.

"No need, let's just go now," Erland said and left his residence. Erland got into his car first. After that, Erland's mother and Briel followed Erland.

"Briel, you sit in the front," said Erland's mother.

"It's okay, I'm behind. Mommy can be in front," said Briel and rushed to the back door. However, Erland's mother held her hand.

"Mommy likes to get drunk when sits in the front," said Erland's mother.

"Hem... We can sit together in the back," said Briel and forced her mother-in-law to sit in the back passenger seat. They both sat in the back passenger seat.

Erland looked indifferent. He yawned many times because he was still sleepy. He would never have woken up at such an hour if it weren't for an important work matter. But this time, he had to get up so early just to take the two women to the market.

'Wait!' Erland seemed to have realized something.

Erland looked back, he saw his mother and Briel.

"Why?" asked Erland's mother.

"Where are you going, Miss?" Erland asked.

Briel and Erland's mother looked at each other. Then they both laughed.

'Ah, he deserves to be a driver,' thought Briel, then chuckled.

"Of course it's not free, give me a gift tonight," Erland said. He looked at Briel with a meaningful smile.

"Hey! Can you clean your head? Your mind is so perverted!" shouted Briel indignantly.

"Really, what was I thinking? Aren't you a pervert?" Erland sneered.

Briel growled.

"Do you two have problems with your vocal cords? It's too shocking when you two talk! And you, Briel. You shouldn't yell at your husband. You must respect him. Speak gently as a woman, as well as a wife," Erland's mother warned.

Briel was silent, she turned her face away.

'Strange, now she's scolding me,' thought Briel, confused.

Meanwhile, Erland grinned in satisfaction. Finally, his mother gave him justice as a biological child. Erland started driving his car to the traditional market.

*** Arriving at the traditional market.

Briel and Erland's mother entered the market, while Erland waited in the car.

"Briel, mom is going to buy meat first. You can help mommy to buy vegetables, please. Here's the grocery list. This will save time, you also have to go to school, right?" Erland's mother said as she handed her a piece of paper with notes on the groceries to be bought.

"Where should I buy all this?" asked Briel, confused.

"There are lots of vegetable sellers here! Choose fresh vegetables," said Erland's mother, pointing to several small shophouses selling vegetables.

"All right," said Briel and hurried over to one of the greengrocers. Meanwhile, Erland's mother went to a butcher's place.

"Excuse me, I want to buy everything on this shopping list. Please help me, okay. I don't want any mistakes," said Briel. Briel didn't want to hear her mother-in-law's nagging if she missed anything from her shopping.

"Okay, I'll prepare it," said the vegetable seller.

Briel bought everything on the list that happened to be in that one stall. Meanwhile, what was not at that stall, she bought it at another stall.

*** In the car.

Erland closed his eyes. He needed a comfortable bed. However, it seemed there was no way he could sleep again. After all, after coming home from the market, he would get ready to go to the office.

A few minutes passed, Erland was just about to fall asleep. However, the sound of the mobile phone ringing disturbed him.

Erland ignored the call. He don't know who the call was from, he was lazy to answer it. After all, who doesn't have a job and calls someone else this early? thought Erland.

Once again, his mobile phone rang. Erland growled and took out his mobile phone. He answered the call without seeing who called him.

'Hello! If it's nothing important, just sink your phone! Annoying! ' shouted Erland.

For a moment, only the voices of many people could be heard from inside the phone.

'Ha-ha-ha... You have no initiative. Those are the words I say back then.'

Erland frowned at the sound of a woman's loud laughter. He looked at his phone screen and sighed. Briel contacted him.

'What she said was true. Why did I say what she said? ' thought Erland.

Erland sighed again. He thought Briel must be getting a big head because he said the words Briel said.

'Come here quickly! I'm being bullied by the thugs here! '

'Tsk! I don't care, even if you are bullied by a pack of wolves," Erland said lazily.

'She fooled me, how could there be thugs here?' Erland thought. He would not be fooled by Briel's words. What if Briel pranked him?

'I'm serious, help me. They want to rape me!'

Erland sighed.

'Is she crying? I think, all her life she can only keep nagging,' thought Erland.

Erland tried to calm down. He would not be affected by Briel's words.

'Why don't you use the brain in your head to think? You can find a way to save yourself and stay away from those thugs. isn't you have a thousand crazy ideas in your head?' Erland said lazily and ended the call.

Erland threw his phone on the dashboard and closed his eyes again.

'I'm serious, help me. They want to rape me!'

Erland opened his eyes again after closing his eyes for a while and Briel's words seemed to ring in his ears again.

Erland rushed to open the car door and got out.

'I thought she was a gang of thugs too, apparently, she was bullied by thugs. What did she say? The criminal wanted to rape her? Heh, she's not stupid, is she? She's crazy, she has a thousand crazy ideas. She can't just give up considering she's so rude, even I haven't done anything to her body,' Erland muttered as he ran to find Briel in the traditional market.

Erland didn't know what he would explain to Briel's parents if all that happened. One thing was for sure, Erland got anxious thinking about Briel.