"It seems your office is quite comfortable," said the person and ended the arms.

"Hmm... Yes, it's quite comfortable here," said Erland, then motioned for the person to sit down.

*** On the other hand, at Briel's school, to be exact.

Briel and Jenny were sitting in the cafeteria. Briel doesn't seem to be in the mood for lunch. This made Jenny, who had been watching Briel for a long time, bewildered.

"Are you all right, Briel?" Jenny asked.

However, Briel just kept quiet while playing with the spoon in her hand.

'Hmm... It feels like something is wrong, it makes me uncomfortable if it continues like this. Why do I feel sorry for him after what happened at the market this morning? ' thought Briel.

Since this morning, Briel had been feeling down from thinking about something. For some reason, she kept remembering Erland's anger at the market earlier.

"Hey, Briel! Why are you quiet? Why don't you eat? Your food doesn't taste good when it's cold," Jenny said.

Briel sighed. She quickly looked at Jenny so seriously that it took Jenny by surprise.

"What's the matter, Briel?" asked Jenny in surprise.

"Jen, how do persuade an angry man?" asked Briel.

Jenny frowned. What's with Briel suddenly asking such a thing? Does Briel have a lover? thought Jenny.

Jenny smiled, showing her teeth, causing Briel to look at Jenny curiously.

"You know, Jenny never had a boyfriend. Jenny doesn't know how to persuade a man other than Jenny's father," Jenny said honestly while showing her innocent face.

Briel slapped her forehead. How could she forget that? She knew for a fact that Jenny had never had a lover. From childhood until now, Jenny has always been with her and Jenny never hides anything.

"Never mind, forget it," said Briel with a smile and hugged Jenny. Too bad, she thought, not only Jenny but herself too, because so far no man had dared to approach the two.

Briel didn't even know what the problem was. Is it their family status that makes men reluctant to approach them? Moreover, Briel is always supervised by two bodyguards sent by her father.

"Eh, Briel. Do you have a boyfriend now? Why didn't you tell me?" said Jenny, then pursed her lips as if angry that Briel had hidden it from her.

"Where there is a lover, even if I have one, I will tell you, Jen. Don't worry, ha-ha-ha..." Briel laughed awkwardly, making Jenny feel confused.

Jenny sensed that Briel was hiding something. However, he had no idea what Briel was hiding. One thing that made Jenny suspicious, she knew Briel. The look on Briel's face showed that Briel was hiding something.

Briel's mobile phone rings, her mother-in-law is seen calling her. Briel answered the call.

'Yes, hello? ' said Briel.

'Briel, Mommy send lunch. Someone is waiting at your school gate. Hurry up and get the food,' said Erland's mother.

Briel looked at Jenny. She said goodbye to Jenny and rushed to the school gate.

Briel took the paper bag from someone's hand. She didn't know who it was, it seemed, a courier.

'I've already taken it. Thank you, mom. But, why bother? I'm having lunch right now,' said Briel.

'Hem... Hurry and take it to Erland's office,' said Erland's mother.

Briel was silent.

'So the food wasn't for me?' thought Briel, a little disappointed. It sucks she thought, she was overconfident because think the food was for her.

'But Erland's office and my school are in different directions. Erland will be late for lunch if I go there. Maybe the food won't be eaten,' Briel reasoned.

Although it made sense, Briel also wanted to avoid Erland. Too lazy to come to Erland's office even though she doesn't have any other work because today her school is over.

'Mommy has spoken to Erland, he will be waiting. He would not neglect his mom's cooking. You'd better go to Erland's office now. Oh yeah. Come home quickly, this afternoon Mommy will return to Bandung,' said Erland's mother.

Briel breathed a sigh of relief. Her face immediately lit up.

'She's finally gone, I'll at least be a little relieved staying in that house. Two days with her feels like two months,' thought Briel.

'Hello, Briel! '

'Yes, mom. I'm going to Erland's office now,' said Briel and the call ended. Briel rushed to her car. Briel left the school without speaking to Jenny first.

*** Arriving at Erland's office.

Briel stepped into Erland's working room. Before that, she went to the secretary's desk and asked the secretary to inform Erland of her arrival.

"Sorry, Miss. There is currently a guest in Mr. Erland's working room. You can wait until the guest leaves," said the secretary.

"Oh. So should I wait too?" said Briel.

Briel didn't understand, why did the wife of a Director of the company have to wait too? she thought.

"That's right, Miss. And sorry, I have other work to do. You can wait in the waiting room," said the secretary, pointing to the sofa near Erland's working room. After that, the secretary left Briel.

Briel smiled.

'Why should I hear her words? This is Erland's mother's orders after all," said Briel.

Briel rushed towards the door of Erland's working room. She saw Erland's door was slightly ajar and fell silent when she heard Erland talking to someone.

Curious, Briel peeked into Erland's working room.

"So you're leaving now?" Erland asked the person in front of him.

Briel frowned.

'Who is he talking to? Who is that man?' thought Briel curiously.

"Yeah, do you still miss me?" the person asked Erland.

"Hmm... Maybe," Erland said with a sweet smile.

'Ah, look at that human, it turns out he can also smile sweetly at other people,' thought Briel.

Briel flinched when the man suddenly pulled Erland's tie so that Erland's body was getting closer to the man's body. Their faces were so close.

"Don't worry, we will meet again, there is no need to rush if you want to see me again, we still have a lot of time, or maybe you want to come back to me?" said the person with a seductive smile.

Briel swallowed her saliva.

"Hmm... Do you think I want to come back to you?" Erland asked.

"Why not? Isn't that a natural thing, after break up, then get back together? Many couples also do things like that," said the person with a mocking smile at Erland.

Briel's body stiffened at what the man had just said. Her heart was beating fast. She hurried away from there and saw Erland's secretary had returned to her desk.

"Please deliver this to Mr. Erland's working room. Say, a courier delivers food from his mother. I'll go first," said Briel as she put the paper bag on the secretary's desk and rushed to her car.

In the car. Briel's mind went into chaos.

'Damn, how could I possibly marry a gay?' thought Briel.

'Oh, Dad. Look at my fate. Very unlucky!' mumbled Briel annoyed. Briel's body immediately shivered.