The next day, Briel prepared the fruit for Erland. She gave it to Erland when she finished preparing the fruit.

"You eat too," said Erland.

"No, that's for you. You have to get well soon so you can get out of the hospital," said Briel.

"Okay, I want to go to the bathroom first," said Erland.


Erland went to the bathroom. It wasn't long before Erland's mobile phone rang. Briel took Erland's mobile phone and saw the name 'Donna' on the screen of Erland's mobile phone which turned out to be calling Erland.

'Who's Donna? ' mumbled Briel.

Briel was curious, she answered the call.

'Hello,' said Briel.

'Hello, who is this? Did I contact you wrong? Isn't this Mr. Erland's contact?' Donna said.

'Yes, right. This is Erland's contact. Who is this? ' asked Briel.

'I'm Mr. Erland's secretary. Can I speak to Mr. Erland?' Donna asked.

'Speak, he's not well. I'll tell him later,' said Briel.