"Em... I think I'm pregnant," said Briel doubtfully.

"Ha?" Erland was shocked to hear Briel's words. His heart was beating fast, his chest felt hot as if the heat was about to explode.

"Why are you surprised? Don't tell me you're not happy to hear this news?" Briel gripped the neck of the shirt Erland was wearing, making the back of Erland's head hurt again.

"Calm down, we can talk," said Erland.

Briel released her grip, Erland immediately grabbed his head.

'Ugh!' Erland groaned. It hurts so badly. Could it be that Erland's head wound was in shock due to Briel's words where Briel said she was pregnant right now?

"Huh! Don't pretend to be in pain! I won't be sympathetic. What kind of response did you show earlier when I said I was pregnant?" said Briel, annoyed and was about to get out of bed and Erland held Briel's hand.

"Wait a minute, how did you get pregnant?" Erland asked.