"I thought you wanted to kick me out of the bedroom," Erland said suspiciously.

"No, that's not what I meant," Briel argued.

"So?" Erland asked curiously.

"Em..." Instantly Briel became awkward. Don't know what to say.

"It's okay, good night," said Briel and hurriedly pulled the blanket, and then slept with her back to Erland.

'What's with her? Is she afraid I'm doing something bad?' Erland thought in confusion.

Erland lay down, feeling pressure on the back of his head and back hurting from the wound not being fully healed, Erland fell asleep on his side facing Briel's back.

Erland frowned as he saw Briel's body seemed to be breathing too fast. It can be seen from the movement of Briel's body that looks restless in Erland's eyes.

"What are you doing?" Briel turned around while screaming in surprise when Erland touched her back.

Briel was surprised to see Erland was facing her way. Erland frowned.