PART 111

'Stupid! I have a lot of rights to do whatever. I will let others know themselves and know their limits!' Erland thought when remembering what Lely said when Gerald came to his house that night and talked to Briel.

Yes, Lely overheard what Gerald and Briel were talking about. She complained to Erland so that Erland knew that his suspicions about Gerald having feelings for Briel more than a teacher with his student, made Erland impatient to hold his wedding reception with Briel, and last night he had made an appointment with Bram to meet. Erland would discuss the matter with Bram. Bram might still be annoyed with him, but Erland was sure that Bram would help him if Erland brought Briel to Bram too. Who would refuse the wish of his only daughter? Erland was sure that Bram would not be so selfish to Briel.

Arriving at Briel's school, Erland left Briel by taking a taxi to his office.
