BAB 116

'Isn't all this too much? Following this, doesn't it mean that he doesn't trust his wife? I don't understand what the problem is, to ask me to spy on her every time she's gone, what exactly is that woman doing?' muttered the man.

Yes, that man was Erland's confidant to watch over Briel when Briel was out and about when Briel also went to school. Since Briel was robbed in Singapore at that time, so after Erland returned to Indonesia, Erland decided to ask someone for help to keep an eye on Briel. What's more, at that time he also found out about Briel's father's confidant. He didn't like that Briel's father was constantly watching Briel's movements, but he couldn't possibly keep an eye on Briel because he too had a job he couldn't leave. According to Erland's confidant reports, as long as he followed Briel there was never anything suspicious.