PART 136

Erland hugged Briel. He rubbed Briel's back as he took a deep breath. Why is it so hard to comfort his wife? It seemed, he had never been so difficult when calming a woman. However, in front of Briel, there was always something wrong according to Briel from the way he comforted Briel. He doesn't know if it's his attitude that's the problem or maybe it's Briel who's the problem. Erland really couldn't figure it out.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," said Erland.

"Don't be sad anymore, okay!" said Erland.

Erland kissed Briel's head and released Briel from his arms. Briel rushed to wipe her tears.

"Is it better?" Erland asked.

"Em... Hatchi! Hatchi!"

Erland was flabbergasted as Briel sneezed.

"Ah, I forgot, I won't let you out of my arms!" Erland said and pulled Briel back into his arms.

"Do you want a hot ginger drink? It can make your body warmer," said Erland.