PART 147

What a delightful sight. He imagined continuing to enjoy moments like this. Where would he be waiting for Briel like now, and see Briel doing work in the kitchen? For example, like Briel was cooking for him or like now when Briel was washing the dishes. The sight was very warm, Erland just realized that living just with Briel without anyone in the house was very pleasant. However, he couldn't do that, he couldn't stop Lely from his duties at his house. Erland knew that Briel was not strong enough to be able to bear all the responsibilities in that house. Moreover, Erland didn't want to burden Briel wouldn't get used to it.

Erland got up from his chair, it felt like he couldn't stand just sitting quietly looking at Briel. He wants to hug Briel's body.

"Em... What are you doing?" asked Briel, slightly surprised when Erland suddenly hugged her in the middle of her unfinished activities.

"Can you do this job yourself? Do you want me to help?" Erland asked.