It is a bright afternoon. Perfect for drawing, I thought to myself as I went towards my working table. Fortunately for me, it gave the best view to the outside view. I took my sketch pad and started to draw. Although I wasn't really sure whom I got it from, I liked drawing. I always gave me a sense of peace and satisfaction.

Without actually having a model, I began to draw from my head. I was halfway done into the drawing, when I heard the engine of a car coming to a stop in my compound. Knowing it was my dad, I preceded down the stairs to welcome him

Dad, I was about to say but heard a slap which stopped me in my tracks.

"How dare you! You have the guts to withdraw money from my account without my permission. What nerves you have" I heard my dad say as I went to get a better view but was careful not to be seen.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you but you were in a meeting. I needed the money for shopping but I didnt have enough money with me" my mom said in a shaky voice

"You liar!" my dad roared as he slapped her again

"You think that I don't know that you stole the money to cheat on me" he said with another slap, this time making her fall

"Sweetheart please, I would never cheat on you" my mom said as she stood up with tears streaming down her face

"Really, so you are still lying? Don't worry, I will teach you never to lie to me" he said as he began unbuckling his belt

Before he could start beating her, I ran to stop him with my arms stretched, protecting my mom

"Daddy, please don't hurt mommy" I said also crying

"She really did went to buy something. You can check the kitchen if you don't believe her"

"You brat. I see you have learnt from your mother how to lie. Well then, I guess I will have to teach you both a lesson to never lie to me" my dad said as he looked at me with blazing eyes

But before he could do anything, my mom had dragged me behind her,

"I"m sorry. She doesn't know what she's saying" she said to my dad.

Turning and bending to face me, she cupped my cheeks, wiping away my tears

"Sweetheart, why don't you go to the park and draw all the beautiful things there" she said

"No. I'm going to beg dad not to hurt you. You didn't do anything wrong" I replied shaking my head vigorously, new tears making my cheeks moist.

"Your dad's not going to hurt me. We are just going to talk" she said but we both knew what she was saying was just a wish that wasn't going to come true

"But mom..."

"Alexandra" she called

I didn't want to go, I knew dad was going to hurt her like all other time but I knew that I would only make it worse by insisting as there was nothing a little five years old girl like me could do so I decided to go while hoping for the damage to be little

"Okay, but I would be back at six"

"Sure, now go get your sketch pad"

Reluctantly, I went upstairs to get my sketch pad, left my house and ran to the park, tears still streaming down my cheeks

As I got to the park, I started to draw to get my mind off what would befall my mom and thankfully I was the only one. I first of all drew the things in the park then later drew from my head. I continued drawing, page after page oblivious of the time until an old lady said to me

"Dear, I think its best you go back home before your parents start getting worried, its getting rather late"

"Yes, it is. Thanks" I said after which I hurried back home

"Mom" I called as I got home but got no answer.

Remembering what occurred earlier, I started to freak out

"Mom" l called again but no answer.

I went to the kitchen with the thought that she was probably cooking dinner, but she wasnt there. I called again but still no answer.

Maybe she is in her room resting or probably crying after what daddy did to her, I thought.

I went up to her room still calling her name. As I opened the door to her room, I couldnt and didnt want to believe my eyes. As my sketch pad fell from my hand, I ran over to my mom. She was on the floor in front of the bathroom, unconscious with bruises all over her body. Her whole face was swollen. Tears were streaming down my face by now as I check to see if she was still breathing and thankfully she was. Trying to control myself as I was full of fear and panic, I called the ambulance. After trying to tell them what happened and the address, they finally understood my wavering voice and told me they would be here in fifteen minutes


She wouldn't die, Alex. She wouldn't, I kept telling myself but it was of no use She wouldn't die. She wouldn't die

She wouldn't die, she wouldn't die, she....

I jerked up from bed

"Mom" l called as I ran to her room.

When I saw her still sleeping, I signed and went back to her room, God when will all these nightmare end. It has been twelve years now. Seeing that it was just two am in the morning, I went back to sleep