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Gwaechana? are you okay?

Nun eodiya? You are at the hospital, right? You went to the hospital, right? where are you?

I bit down on my nails, anxiously, as I texted Ji Sung. But, as suspected it wasn't read, not to talk of even being replied

"Mu-sun il I-sseo?" is something wrong? Tae Woong asked

"Huh? Ani, amugeosdo aniya" no, it's nothing I said, dropping my phone

"By the way, you've been along these days" I noted

He rose his eyebrow in question

"Your friend that used to be with you" I emphasized

"Oh, them. They travelled out, they had a family thing going on"

"They're cousins" he added

"Ah. I didn't know"

"Most people don't"

I was about to say something, but I was cut off. I gasped as something wet and smooth went down my hair

"Omo! Biane, my hand slipped" sorry a voice said from behind me

Tae Woong stood up, but I raised my hand at him. Letting him take care of this for me will make me seem weak, and I'm far from that

I stood up from my seat and turned, only to see the three girls with a sly smile on their faces

"Gwaechana" I said with a smile

"Are you sure? Neomu mianhae" I feel so sorry the girl at the middle, as usual said

"It's really okay. But if you insist..."

"Are you done with eating?' I asked Tae Woong

"Huh? Huh" he answered

I smile at him as I took his milkshake, along with mine

I turned back to her, and poured the entire milkshakes on her

She asked as it rolled down her body, while I smile

"Omo! Nun gwaechana. Biana, my hand slipped" are you okay? sorry I sent her words back to her

"You... You... You... How dare you? Nun gamhi?" how dare you...?

"Mwo? How dare I what?" what?

"Do... Do you even know you I am?" she asked

"Who are you?" I asked back

"I... I am the..."

"Ya" hey I cut her off

"Kkeojyeo" get lost I told her

I turned back to Tae Woong

"I'm going to go first" I told him

I stopped after a couple steps

"Ah, and also..."

I turned to the girls

"Don't you two have mouths? Or are you dumb? Why is she the only one talking? I asked them

I didn't wait to get a reply and just left


"Nan wass-eo" I'm back I announced when I entered my house

There was no reply

"Ah, that's right. Mom's at her new work" I remembered

I dropped my bag on the sofa, and headed to the kitchen. Thanks to some set of humans, my lunch was disturbed. I smiled when my eyes finally landed on a cereal box that had Weetabix on it

"This will do" I muttered

I placed two bars into a bowl, poured milk into the bowl and microwaved it, Weetabix was fine of those meals that you have to microwave it to eat. I don't know what happens if I don't microwave it, and I have in guts to try, one mistake and I might stop eating it altogether

I took care of my used plate, then went upstairs to do any given work I had

I slumped back on my bed. I had finished all work hours ago, and there was nothing else I could do. I checked my phone, and my messages to Ji Sung were still not read. I tried calling him again, but there was no answer. I signed as I let it fall back on the bed

My face brightened as I came up with what to do. I look towards my table, got up from my bed and walked towards it. I took my sketch pad, sketch purse, and a crossbody purse, and set out

I stopped at a convenience store and bought enough ice creams for my time out, then went to my destination, the park. Probably because it was a weekday, people were not many and the people there were at a perfect distance. I looked around for what to draw, before bringing out my sketchpad. I decided, started, to draw the kids with their guardian from the distance, knowing fully well that I'll eventually move on to something else

I wasn't surprised when I found out that I had spent hours out, that's one of the reasons I sketch, to forget time. I took my time in packing my belongings, then walked back home enjoying the weather. I wrapped my arms around myself, the crisp air telling me that it won't take long before winter catches up

Just as I entered into our premise, my mom drove in. I waited for her to park before I walked over

"You're just coming in? Isn't today your first day?" I asked her

"That's exactly what I thought" she said as she climbed out of the car

"I thought I would come home early after settling down proper, but I got loads of customer. I think we'll be rich in no time" she added, closing the door

"We're already affluent" I informed her

We walked towards the house

"All this is your grandma's. I want to achieve something on my own"

"I hear you. Go ahead and do what you want, I'm just fine right where I am" I said walking into he room, on my way to my room

"Have you eaten?" she stopped me


"I'll make something for us"

"No need"

She didn't say anything, which was unusual. I turned back to her. She had a look in her eyes. I signed and went to the dinner

"What would you like to have?" she asked

"Anything. I don't have the energy to choose"

"As a teenager, you should be full of energy" she said

"Why didn't you become a teacher?" I asked her


"Why an animal doctor? If someone sees you, you'll be assumed a teacher"

"It was initially because of dogs, you know I love dogs. As I continued in the field, I ended up actually liking animals in general"

"Well, one thing we have in common is out love for dogs" I agreed

She chuckled

Seconds later, she turned around

I looked at the plate, then at her

"Eggs and bake beans?" I asked

"That's what I was inspired to do" she answered

"Ah, I see" I said

It was actually a pretty good combination

"Which flavor?" I asked, referring to the bake beans

"Original" she answered

I nodded and continued eating

"I'm sorry" she suddenly said

The fork stopped mid air

"Gabjagi?" all of a sudden?

"I know I've not been a good mother..."

I placed my fork down on the table, beside my plate


"You have every reason to be angry at me"

"Omma, naneun" mom, I...

"But, he's still my husband" she concluded

Anger was stating to rise inside me, but I forced it back down. I had no energy to be angry right now

"Whatever he is, and whatever he's doing, do you think he feels the same way?" I asked

She didn't answer. I wasn't expecting an answer

"Are you done?" she asked

I nodded

She took our plates to the sink. As she was washing, a call came to her phone

"You have a call" I said

"From who?" she asked

I stood over the table, trying to see who was calling her. It was upside down, and I wasn't a fan of reading things that weren't normal

"Um, Choi..."

I reached for the phone to turn it normally. But before I could fully grab it, it was snatched away form my hand

I looked up at my mom in surprise, the look of apprehension on her face was the last thing I expected