Part 1 Formation - Chapter 8

The door hissed shut behind Zekor. He stood for a minute surveying his quarters, then strode over to a desk in the left corner of the room. He activated a device and an image sprung to life in the air. He smiled fondly as he studied it.

It showed a much younger man, his hair and mustache was not frosted by gray tips as they were now. He stood between two older men, beaming with pride. The one on his left looked like an older version of himself. He smiled slightly and stood in a crisp military uniform. The other was a man dressed in a regal outfit, adorned with hems of gold. His face was soft and kind as he stood with a huge grin on his face.

Zekor looked at the noble man, and tears began to trickle down his face, "I'm trying old friend, but I'm beginning to wonder if the Empire you loved so much is beyond saving."

Just then a knock came at his door. Zekor looked up, startled for a moment, Then wiped his eyes and smoothed out his uniform, "You may enter."

The door slid open to reveal Sacaris standing there, "I hope I'm not intruding Valeris."

"Come in Silis" Zekor replied, shaking his head, "I was just reminiscing about a different time."

Sacaris smiled as he looked at the image as well, "You always were close to Palleon."

"He was my father's best friend and by extension mine as well." Zekor replied as he turned off the hologram. He motioned for them to take a seat at a small table sitting in the center of the room. Once they settled he asked, "What brings you here?"

"Nothing in particular." He said innocently, giving him that same sly smile he had for everything, "I just wanted to chat with an old friend."

"And pick my brain about my opinion on the current state of affairs." Zekor replied with a raised brow.

Sacaris chuckled, "That could be one of my motives."

Zekor nodded, then his mood lightened a bit, "Would you like some refreshments?"

Sacaris nodded, "I would, thank you"

Zekor hit a button on the arm of his chair and a female voice came over a speaker, "Yes sir?"

"Could you get us some drinks, Scribtis, Some Caf for me, and" he paused, looking at Sacaris.

"Tea please." Sacaris replied.

"And tea." Zekor finished

"Yes sir." The voice replied in a pleasant tone. "I'll bring some up right away."

After a moment the assistant entered, she gave the older men a smile, and set their respective drinks on the table before them. She then bowed respectfully and left the room.

Sacaris took a sip of his tea, "I was wondering about this new one, Varkus, he seems to have spirit."

"And a disdain for the Emperor," Zekor replied. "But yes he is a good man. Leads his men well, maintains discipline. He only needs to watch his criticism of the Emperor. Karanis isn't one to put up with dissent."

"That's an understatement." Sacaris replied, a hint of sadness in his voice. "I wish, really, that Palleon had remained alive. The Empire was at an all-time high under him."

Zekor sipped at his drink and his eyes unfocused as he relieved distant memories, after a moment he said, "You would have loved it."

"Yes, I imagine I would." Sacaris said thoughtfully, then he leaned forward "There is one question I've been wanting to ask you, if you'd dare answer."

Zekor stared at him for a minute, wondering what his motives were, "Go ahead."

"I'm wondering if you'd ever join a plot to overthrow the Emperor. From the way Varkus talks I'd wager he's building up to asking you."

Zekor let out a long sigh. "Would you?"

Sacaris smiled again, "That'd depend on who's leading the coup, and how many backers it has. After our defeat by the Partorems, you and I have the strongest fleets left in the Empire. Added together with Varkus, and I'd imagine Javest after today, we'd most likely be able to take the throne."

"The throne, yes, but the Synatorus would never declare another Emperious as long as Karanis lives, it's too full of his supporters. We'd take the capital and split the Empire into a civil war, and while we're busy fighting each other, the Rebels will grow so large we could never put them down. We'd lose the Empire." He shook his head. "I won't abandon this Empire yet. We've weathered tyrants in the past, we can weather this one."

Sacaris nodded, "I thought as much. Besides with the Inquisates snooping around your fleet Karanis would probably catch wind of anything you'd plan to do"

Zekor scowled, "Yes. the Emperor's enforcers are very good at finding rebels and traitors."

Sacaris nodded and drained his cup. After he'd placed it back down on the table he stood up and moved towards the door, "Don't worry old friend, I'm not planning on backing a coup."

With that he left, leaving Zekor sitting alone with his thoughts.