Part 1 Formation - Chapter 13

Zekor stood looking at a now very broken line of red triangles on the map in front of him. He stared at it with a smile as blue triangles continued to move in closer boxing the enemy in on all sides.

"SIR!" The comm officer shouted, "Enemy fleet dropping out of Alspatis."

A second later at the edge of the map a cluster of red triangles appeared as the enemy ships appeared in the system.

Zekor's smile widened, "Commis, order our left wing to break off and engage the newcomers, Then send a signal to Sacaris and tell him it's time."

Moments later the left section of the blue triangles peeled off from the others and sped towards the newcomers. As soon as the ships closed the distance the space between them filled with the glow of deadly lasers and balls of fire, a third force jumped into the system behind the second. As soon as the Imperial ships appeared they fired; angry red laser bolts slamming into the flanks of the Bowin ships. Some of them buckled under the combined firepower of their enemies and began to drift motionless, their guns going silent. After a few seconds the remaining Bowin ships turned and jumped back out of the system.

"Enemy fleet is out of the system sir. " The Comm officer called, "Wait! Sir! Enemy ships from the blockade are coming about."

Zekor looked out the massive bridge window to see the Bowin ships near him begin to turn towards the left, he then glanced back at the tactical map behind him and saw the few remaining enemy ships doing the same, "Commis order our left wing back and try to catch them before they break out. "

On the tactical map the blue squares that had broken off earlier turned and began to head back towards the Bowin blockade. Before they could reach their quarry the Bowins ships rapidly accelerated, then vanished.

"Commis," Zekor called, "Bring up Sacaris."

"Yes sir!" The comms officer replied, a few seconds later an image of Sacaris appeared behind Zekor.

Zekor turned towards them and gave a respectful nod, "Praefexis Sacaris, we're beginning phase two."

Sacaris raised an eyebrow "Already?" He asked.

Zekor nodded and tapped a button on the table in front of him, a half second later a planet appeared, "The two enemy fleets we just engaged will most likely have retreated here to the supply depot on Sserpritis. I want you to hit them here, you don't need to annihilate them, just keep them occupied, I'll have Triarsi Nertis, and Fraristi take their detachments and raid the shipyard at Zerarsis I want to keep them occupied long enough for us to take this world."

"Understood Arxictus" Sacaris said and his hologram disappeared.

"Commis," Zekor called again, "Rely my order to Nertis, and Fraristi, Prolis, begin orbital bombardment, focusing on the area around the base shield."

Yes Sir!" The officers replied.

A minute later the deck beneath Zekor vibrated slightly as the heavy cannons of the vessel blasted gigantic laser bolts at the planet, raining fire and destruction upon the Bowin defenders below.