Part 1 Formation - Chapter 22

Kid stood on a formation of rocks above a crowd of thousands. Speakers were set up on either side transmitting his words to thousands more.

"Today is a dark day for our rebellion." Kid started, his voice solemn and grim, before raising it with more inspiring and uplifting ones. "We may have lost our leaders and our founder, but our mission still stands. The Empire MUST be defeated, for the sake of all those oppressed and enslaved by the Empire we must continue to fight."

Kid's expression grew more determined as he took a deep breath and glanced over everyone in the crowd, "I will take my father's place, I will lead our rebellion, but I can't do it alone, so please, will you stay with me? So together we can end the blight of the Empire."

The crowd was silent for a moment before slowly cheers rolled through them, soon the entire crowd roared with cheers. Kid smiled, "Then get ready to move out, we have an area for a new base, and we'll need a bit of reorganization. They're will be challenging days ahead of us but we'll come out stronger and ready to face the Empire."

Bravo stood watching the crowd, his eyes red from previous weeping. He turned to look at Delta, his face twisting with anguish and guilt. Delta's missing limbs had been replaced with cold metal ones, and half of his face was badly scarred.

Bravo heard the noise of stomping feet and turned to see Buck heading towards him. As Buck drew near he slammed a fist into Bravo's stomach causing him to double over. He then grabbed him by the neck and smashed him up against a rock with his fist held ready to deliver another blow.

Buck's face was twisted in anger and sorrow, "It's your fault!' He screamed, "If we hadn't gone to that stupid base Mickey would still be alive."

Bravo looked him in the eyes before glancing away in shame. Delta moved over and put a hand on Buck's arm and shook his head. Otto moved in and stared at him, "Buck?"

Buck looked from each of them and back to Bravo, then shoved away from him in disgust, "I'm leaving, don't bother trying to find me." He said as he stalked off.

The three boys stood there in stunned silence, the air between them thick with their grief. After a while the blond haired boy from earlier appeared. "How are you holding up?" He asked Delta.

"I'll be fine." Delta answered.

The man gave a sad smile and looked to the other two, "I'm sorry for your loss. It isn't easy losing those close to you."

The four of them sit there reflecting on past events and loved ones lost. Bravo finally looked at the man, "You never gave us your name."

"Ah, sorry," The young man explained, "I go by Fox."

"Bravo." The young boy replied.

Fox gave him a soft smile, "Well Bravo, what will you and your two friends do now.?"

Bravo looked at Delta and Otto, getting a determined look from each, before turning back to Fox, his eyes filled with resolve, "We're going to fight."