Short Story 1 - Battle of Ferndisin Chapter 3

Men sat clustered in small groups in the cafeteria, the sound of their conversations and occasional laughter mixing with the clinking of plates.

A young man sat at a table quietly eating, when a group of four men plopped down next to him. A blonde man sat directly across from him. He smiled warmly but his face went slack with surprise when The young man looked up at him.

"I've never seen eyes like yours before." He stated.

One of the other men glanced over, perplexed, "One as blue as the sky, and the other as green as the grass."

"It's called heterochromia, harmless mostly." The young man replied.

The blonde man reached out his hand for a handshake. He smiled as the young man took his hand and said, "You must be one of the new recruits"

The young man looked down to the man's collar to see his captain's insignia, "Yes Sir! Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Jay Montivera, with Fleet Command."

One of the other men chuckled, "Star Gazer , eh?"

Another man grinned, "Don't mind us ground pounders sitting with you, then?"

Jay looked at them, his face puzzled as the blonde man smiled and shook his head, "Lay off him Carhas." Then the boy looked to Jay, "I'm Fox, Captain, with the Ground Troops. These jokers here are some of my squad mates, Lieutenants, Carhas and Klevan, and Sergeant Major Kale."

Jay's eyes widened a bit. "Captain Fox? You're F Company right Sir? 'Fox's Commandos'."

Carhas flashed a toothy grin. "Yep, that's us."

Fox nodded, "drop the Sir. Pay grade wise we're about the same rank."

"Sorry, you're older and more experienced. I feel uncomfortable not calling you, sir."

Carhas gave a mock gasp, "A navy officer who is polite, I'm impressed."

"Navy Recruit," Jay corrected. "The rank is provisional, and I only have it because I'm in the advanced officer course."

"Isn't that normally for vets?" Klevan asked

"Yes, but I scored high enough in testing and battle scenarios that Admiral Larnic decided to transfer me in."

"A genius eh?" Kale asked.

Jay shook his head bashfully. "No, no. I've always had an interest in tactics and strategy and used to play a ton of strategy games as a teen, but I wouldn't consider myself a genius."

"You say goodbye to your parents before joining?" Fox asked.

Jay shook his head. "Actually, I'm an orphan. My foster parents kicked me out as soon as I turned 18. I was going to sign up for the military when KED found me."

"I see," Fox replied, "We'll you're surrounded by brothers in arms now."

Jay smiled, "Were your parents ok with you taking off? What planet are you from?"

"Actually, I'm from Earth like you." Fox replied and chuckled at Jay's wide-eyed surprise, "Pirates abducted me when I was a kid. They must have stumbled across Earth when they were running from Imperial patrols. Spent my life in slavery to an Imperial master until around sixteen when I and a few others led a revolt."

"And then we started our own little war against the Empire for a few years before joining this outfit," Carhas added.

"Ah, so you're been at this for a lot longer than I assumed," Jay replied.

"It has been a long while." Fox said as his eyes slightly defocused and he glanced at the ground.

They sat in quiet contemplation for a moment before Jay opened his mouth to speak, but he stopped as a ruckus erupted near the entrance of the mess hall. Many soldiers stopped talking, and some sat straight up, and a few others even stood at attention.

"What are they doing?" Carhas wondered aloud.

As they continued to stare, they eventually saw an older man come through the crowd. His eyes scanned the mess hall until they fell on Jay. He then strode over to them.

Once he neared them, Jay shot up to attention and saluted the man. "Admiral Larnic, Sir!"

Larnic smiled slightly. "Ah Lieutenant Montivera, I've been looking for you. Would you follow me to my office?"

"Y-Yes sir." Jay replied as nervousness creeped into his voice. He gave a slight wave of goodbye to Fox and his companions as he followed the Admiral out of the Messhall and into the corridors of the base.

"How is your training going, Lieutenant?" Larnic asked as they walked.

"It's going well, sir. Instructor Nerartin is an excellent teacher."

Larnic nodded. "He's an experienced man, and an excellent teacher. I'm glad you're studying under him." They both entered a lift. Larnic reached out and hit a button, causing the doors to shut and the lift to ascend.

They stood in silence until the lift dinged and the doors opened. They walked a short way until coming to a spacious office. Larnic motioned for Jay to sit as he took a seat behind the wooden desk. Jay quickly sat down in one chair positioned in front of the desk.

"Now," Larnic said as he hurriedly typed away at the panel on his desk, "As for the reason I wanted to speak to you." He leaned back slightly as a hologram of a ship appeared, hovering over his desk. "This is the Frigate Agarthia."

"I assume I'm being assigned to the bridge crew then, sir?" Jay asked as he stared at the ship.

"Yes, but probably not in the way that you think." Larnic answered with a slight smirk, then suddenly he bellowed out, "Lieutenant Junior Grade Jay Montivera!"

Jay jolted in surprise as his body straightened up and he saluted out of reflex, "Sir!"

"You are being reassigned and given a provisional rank of commander. You will be assigned as captain of the Agarthia. Your new uniform and rank insignia will be waiting for you in your quarters when you return. At 1500 hours, you will report to the assembly room to be given your assignment."

Jay stared at him dumbfounded, "Si-Sir? Commander is three ranks above my current one, and I'm just a recruit. I'm not qualified to captain a ship. I have neither the seniority, the age, nor the experience required to do so."

Larnic let out a long sigh, "I know Lieutenant, the truth is we are starved for capable officers and leaders at the moment. You've scored high enough in testing, and done well enough on training missions to rival any current officer I have on staff right now. There is an important mission coming up, and I need every leader I can get."

"I-I Understand sir," Jay answered, still unsteady but more solemn.

"The rank is only temporary and just for this mission." Larnic stated, "However, based on your performance on this, you will be promoted officially to the rank of Lieutenant, and put on active duty."

"Understood, Sir!" Jay responded, confidence creeping back into his voice.

"Now I'd recommend heading back to your quarters and getting some sleep. That briefing is in three hours."

Jay stood up and saluted before leaving the room.