Chapter 14

When they arrived at the airport, which took about three hours with traffic, it was eleven 'o' clock. And Brooke was still sleeping. He put her backpack back on and carried her to the Alpha's private plane. Raphael, Thomas and the Alpha, along with the pilot and a couple guards which were all Lycans. Were the only people allowed on the plane.

He was wary of Thomas, who was still sedated, but he still didn't want take any risks. He asked the Alpha if he could use the bedroom on the plane. Thresh nodded.

He put Brooke down on the bed and put the blanket over her. He watched her for a while then laid down next to her. Hearing her slow breaths calmed him, and eventually he fell asleep next to her.


He was awoken by someone knocking on the door to the room, "We're here sir." A Lycan's voice sounded through the door.

"Okay, thank you." He said his voice dripping with drowsiness. He looked over at his mate, he didn't know how long the flight had been but she'd slept through all of it. And so had he. He looked outside the window and saw that it was still dark out.

He slung the backpack over his shoulder again and picked up Brooke gently.

He cradled her in the limousine on the drive to the Pack's property. He put a blanket over her, it seemed the feverish state that she had been in before had been replaced with cold. Her hands were like ice, and her face was deathly pale instead of the flushed pink it had previously been. But she was still alive.

As they turned off of the main road onto a side one that led to the Pack's property, Brooke moved slightly and it seemed she was awake. Raph smiled as it looked like she wasn't in pain. 'Maybe it wouldn't last days like the Alpha had said it would.' He thought relieved. His mate snuggled closer into his chest and he laughed quietly at her behaviour. She was too cute.

They were pulling up to the gates at the front of their property when he saw her open her mouth. 'Was she gonna talk?' He asked himself. She grabbed onto his shirt firmly and began screaming her eyes shut tightly in pain. He grabbed her head and stroked it he didn't know what to do. He looked outside to see that his and the car in front, had stopped. All at once Brooke stopped screaming and went limp against his chest.

He pulled her in again and readjusted the blanket. She was still freezing.

"Why did we stop?" He asked the driver. Other than the obvious reason.

"Her scream Beta. I could hear it in my head. And well… it hurt." The driver said, looking at Raphael through the rear view mirror.

Just at that moment the Alpha mind linked him, -Was that your mate?- He sounded really upset. -Yes- Raphael said. There was no reply from the Alpha, and the limos started moving again. The gates opened and they drove through. They still had a ways to go, they had to take another couple side roads till they finally got home.

The Pack's property or estate was located on the southeast side of Tabor Lake. Some of the houses had a lakefront view, but for security reasons most didn't. There was a park with a playground and a fountain in the middle of it. The furthest houses from the lake belonged to the Alpha, Beta and Gamma. There were three mansions fenced off and edged by trees. The one in the middle was the Alpha's, the one to the right was Raphael's and the one to the left was Thomas'. Each of them had massive yards, but the only one with a garden was the Alpha's. His Luna liked gardening.

Raph's driver parked in the driveway, then came out to help carry the bags inside. They walked up to the third floor where the bedrooms were, all the while Raph was carrying Brooke.

They arrived at the master bedroom and Raphael put Brooke down on the bed then pulled the covers over her. She was shivering now and she looked blue.

The driver said that he would go park the limo. Raphael just nodded absentmindedly, he was staring at his mate. He laid down on the bed and drew the covers over himself as well, then he wrapped us arms around Brooke, and just held her, trying to give her some warmth. Her cinnamon scent was still there, loosely clinging to her. His nose was resting in the crook of her neck, breathing her in, she was so cold. He wrapped his arms around her tighter, but he didn't want to hurt her so he lessened his grip. He closed his eyes and listened to her heartbeat and slow, calm breathing. It put him at rest. He just wished that she was awake.

Soon a healer arrived. She said that She had been sent by orders from the Alpha. Raphael let her look Brooke over. The healer looked up, "She is dehydrated and needs protein. I suggest we install an IV line. And put more blankets on her, she needs warmth." Raphael nodded, he would do anything to keep his mate safe and healthy.

The healer left and after Raphael covered her in some more blankets, he decided that he would deal with some paperwork he was behind on. He worked at the table in his room so he could keep an eye on Brooke. After twenty minutes had passed the healer came with one other younger girl. 'A healer in training most likely.' Raph thought.

They had set up the IV line and we're turning to leave when Raphael spoke up, "Where's Lilla?"

"She stayed on the island, with her mate." She said.

"I see. I would like you two to see to her." He nodded his head to Brooke, "While I'm gone. You can stay in one of the guest rooms. And under no circumstances are you to tell anyone what you're doing or what happens here. You will only reply you are tending to a patient." With that he signed one last document then got up, and dismissed the two healers.

He walked over and sat down next to Brooke in the bed. He pulled out her braid. It had fallen to pieces anyways. Her hair had to be two feet long, it looked much shorter in the braid. It was all twisted from the braid and he enjoyed twirling it between his fingers and smelling it occasionally. It smelled like a mix of nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger.

He got up and kissed her forehead. Then made a phone call.

"Ugh, what is it? It's five in the morning!" The other line answered.

"Hi, this is Raphael. I need two guards to look after someone. Would you and your brother be available?"

The person on the other line stilled, "Uhhhh… yes sir we, we are available. When, when do you uh need us?"

"Now would be fine." Raphael added then after hearing them panic a little bit, hung up. He chuckled at their behaviour. They were newly appointed warriors and as such they wouldn't be coming with him to attack the Elves. But they were trained well enough that he trusted them with looking after Brooke.

He returned to the table where he opened his laptop. He sent an email to a select group of warriors, healers, trackers and stealth Lycans. Then he sent a separate email to the strategy Lycans, his division. To tell them about the attack and to coordinate with James about what he saw yesterday on his scouting mission.

After having sent those he heard a knock at the front door. He walked over to his window and opened it. 'That was quick.' He thought.

"Come on up! It's open!"