Chapter 41

Raphael sat and watched the TV. The moment their parents had left to get ingredients, they'd turned it on and begun watching Hamilton. He'd never seen or heard it, but he'd definitely heard of it. He was confused as to why the family had just accepted him and let him sit and watch this with them, they hadn't even questioned it, and neither had he. Until now of course.

Brooke's brother, Brad was it? Had asked if he wanted to sit on the couch, Raph noticed it was closer to Brooke and nodded. The youngest sister moved out of the way and let him and Brooke sit next to each other. Suspicious, but he didn't really care.

"Have you ever seen Hamilton before Mr. Rivers?" Judith, the eldest, had asked him. He looked at her, she had shoulder length, brown, almost black like her father's, hair. She had tanned, slightly ashen skin, almost as dark as her father's tanned skin. He'd noticed that Brooke had that fairest skin out of all her siblings. Judith wore glasses like her mother and had a very small frame, her bones looked like they would snap at any moment. He liked how sturdy Brooke was. She was shorter than Brooke by a few inches and her brown eyes were very wise and owl like.

"No, no I've never seen it, but I've heard good things about it." He replied courteously.

-Well, you're in for a treat.- Brooke's voice spoke in his mind.

He just looked at her and smiled, she smiled back revealing her dimple on her right cheek. She really was precious.

As they watched the show he looked around the room. It was small, and had one long corner couch, behind it was a shelf with a bunch of dead plants on it. There was a wall of bookshelves along the wall to the right of him. There were two other chairs a big, poofy white one and a firm, brown one. And there was a fireplace behind the corner couch and a large window with red curtains behind the white one. The floor was an oak looking laminate. There were two bookshelves full of movies along the back wall, 'Apparently they liked movies.' He thought.

After two hours the first act was done and Brooke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil, were finally home. Brooke got up and said, "Pause it, I'm gonna make some popcorn."

Loud objections followed, "I'll do it. You rest." Her brother said then stood up, revealing his just over six foot height. Her brother was very tanned and had the same brown eyes as his sisters', they also held that same older look, although not as wise as Judith's. He had slightly muscular arms with a broad chest, his hair was the same as Brooke's but it didn't have golden highlights. He didn't seem to trust him, but Raphael was okay with that. He, in fact, appreciated that Bradley was so protective of his sister.

Once the popcorn was made, the show resumed. A man dressed all in fuchsia, began dancing around the stage, "Don't you love him." Brooke said, laughing. Her siblings laughed. But Raphael looked at her curiously, she turned and saw his confusion.

-I'm being sarcastic, silly.- She said, and slapped his arm gently.

After three songs Ulyssa all of a sudden got up and left saying, "Goodbye, you guys enjoy."

Brooke laughed, "Oh, please Ulyssa, it's not that bad."

Raphael wondering why Ulyssa had gotten up and left, -What's not so bad?- He asked.

She cleared her throat, -Alexander Hamilton was known for committing the first scandal of America. Among other things.- She said, then signalled for him to watch the show.

He watched as a woman with a red dress appeared on the stage and how she seduced Hamilton. He watched as he stroked her breasts on stage, he glanced at Brooke out of the corner of his eye, and saw her blushing but keeping a straight face. She was adorable, as he thought about stroking those plump looking breasts of hers.

Once that song was done they called Ulyssa back in and Brooke shushed everyone, saying, "You know this is my favourite song." Then she grabbed a pillow and hugged it to her chest, beaming.

After many tears, none of them his or Brooke's, the show was finally over and dinner was called.

"Mr. Rivers would you please join us for dinner." Her mother had asked.

"Thank you, I would be honoured." He replied, glad that his mate's family had accepted him. He was confused by their behaviour, but Brooke had said that they were different. He saw Brooke look at him funny because of his words.

-So how'd you like Hamilton?- She asked.

-It was… impressive.- He decided -How come you didn't cry?-

-I don't really cry in movies or books, I cried the second time I watched it though. But no, I don't cry during a lot of movies, only a select few. I didn't even cry in the whole of Steel Magnolias.-

-What's that?- He asked, he knew the term "Steel Magnolias" but didn't know what she meant by that.

She laughed, -Nothing, let's sit.-

He sat down across from Brooke and her parents began serving the food. They served Brooke first, a heaping amount of pasta with a thin layer of an orange, coloured sauce poured on top, they gave her a slice of garlic bread and some parmesan. He was served the exact same thing and then everyone else was served.

He had to say that he was amazed at how good the food tasted. The rosé sauce was delicious and he could tell that Brooke thought the same, by all of the sounds exiting her mouth.

"Mmm, Daddy this is so good!" She said with a mouthful of food in her mouth, "Thank you." She swallowed and smiled.

"Is it? Good." Her father said with a smile on his bearded face. Her father was short in stature, and round. He had that black brown hair with sprinkles of silver, and very suntanned skin, he and Brooke didn't even look related except that they had very similar facial features. The same nose and jaw, and eyes. But her father had hazel eyes.

"Yes, thank you Mr. and Mrs. Neil, this is delicious." He said in kind.

"Oh, you're welcome, and please; Kelly and Mitchell." Her mother, Kelly, answered. She and Brooke looked almost identical, body wise. Brooke was slightly smaller, and he could see where she had inherited her full breasts; her mother had a rather large bosom. She was taller than her husband by about a foot and a half, but he could tell they were happy together. Her mother wore glasses and had the same rosy cheeks as Brooke. And their voices were also near identical, but Kelly's was a tad deeper.

Once dinner was finished, they all brought their dishes to the kitchen, "Mr. Rivers?" Kelly called his name, "Hm, oh please, call me Raphael."

She smiled, "Okay, Raphael why don't you bring your bags inside, Brad can help you."