Chapter 43

After Judith had left to go back home, and Ulyssa and Brad had gone to bed, I said that I would head down myself. Raph almost immediately followed me and said that he would do the same. I cringed internally, wondering how transparent our 'romance' was.

I hugged my parents goodnight, a long standing ritual that started since me and Eri- since I was around five.

I walked downstairs, with Raph behind me. Once we were in the basement he hugged me from behind, I didn't laugh. I had missed him too. I deeply inhaled that delicious minty scent of his. He rested his nose in the crook of my neck, and his exhales of breath sent a tingling sensation across my skin. I closed my eyes and smiled.

I clasped my hands on his, that were wrapped around my shoulders and waist, and pulled them gently off my body. Although, after I did so I immediately wanted o feel the comfort of his embrace.

"I need to get ready for bed." I said not looking him in the eyes. I was nervous of what I would see in those enchanting, golden orbs.

"Yeah." He sounded kind of flustered, so I looked at his face, and I was right. I shouldn't have looked. I saw a desire that caused a burning sensation in my chest.

I turned away quickly and headed to my small bathroom. I shut the door and locked it. I sat down trying to catch my breath, my heart felt like it would beat out of my ribs. I stood up, still a little unsteady, and brushed my teeth and looked at my braid, I could ask Raph to brush my hair again, the thought of it made my cheeks flush. No, I wouldn't do that. I don't think he, or me, would be able to control ourselves.

I opened the door and walked to my bedroom just around the corner. Raphael wasn't anywhere insight, I could sense him in the spare room, but his cool, minty scent still lingered in the air.

I closed my bedroom door and locked it.

-How you doing?- I heard Raph's voice in my head.

-I'm not sure, I mean they were basically saying that I could disappear in the middle of the night and they… they wouldn't care.- my throat began to close, I took a deep breath and tried to control my emotions. My parents, my family didn't… they didn't care.

-I'm sorry honey.- His voice sounded so emotional, and I could sense the emotions that he was feeling; guilt, longing and tiredness.

I was feeling tired too. I walked to my white dresser and opened my pj drawer, only to remember that Raph had stolen all of those.

I shook my head a smiled then turned to the bags that were well hidden behind my painting table. I could immediately guess that Bradley put them there, he would put things in the least obvious place.

-It's okay Raph, it's not your fault.- We both knew that it was both our faults, well mostly mine. I was the one that moved to kiss him. I stood still for a few minutes remembering that

I began putting my new pajamas on. They were a nice, soft, grey, cotton with a long-sleeve shirt and flowy pants. I all of a sudden felt my connection to Raph being severed then an awful smell invaded my senses, like moulding, decaying things. I had just taken my shirt off and pulled it to my mouth to try and stop the gagging.

I looked up and across the room there was a man, a good looking man. He had long, straight, black hair that shimmered like waves underneath the light. His white eyes glowed, and were terrifying. He wore a strange outfit, my first thought was 'tunic'. My second thought was, 'Is this an Elf?'

I stared at him and he me, with those unsettling eyes. Suddenly his image flickered and I saw for a split second a horrible skeletal thing with a dense smoke circling it's twisted and knotted form. The most terrifying thing about it was it's eyes. They were a milky white, and stared at me through that dense mist. Then he flickered back to the normal guy.

Goosebumps rose on my skin and I jumped back, away to the wall. Then it spoke in a horrible, shrill voice.

"Interesting. You are mortal, yet you can see my true self." He came closer, I couldn't move. My body had been frozen in place.

He snaked his hand down my face, and I felt like throwing up. The combination of the putrid smell and the disgust of him touching me was too much.

Goosebumps rose on my skin again as he leaned in so his face was inches from mine. The smell became unbearable and I saw black spots dance before my eyes. I tried to mind link Raph, but I couldn't. I couldn't even sense him. I opened my mouth to scream, but the man in front of me punched me in the stomach.

I collapsed to the ground, clutching at my stomach and taking shallow breaths, trying to keep my rising dinner down. The man crouched in front of me and asked in his grating voice, "What are you?"

I looked him in the eye not answering. I heard a thud from the other side of the door, I stood up, which caused black spots to dance again, and tried to run to it, but was frozen in place again. I hated this feeling of being trapped, I could barely breathe and this guy wasn't helping.

"Don't worry, we still have a little time before the Lycan gets here." The man said, standing again.

I swallowed, worried about what this guy wanted. 'Please Raph, hurry up!' I begged in my mind.

"Now, I'll ask again," The man said as he grabbed my chin, "What are you?"

I clenched my jaw and didn't answer.

I saw the man pull a knife out of his tunic, "Answer, now!" His scream made my ears ring, but I couldn't move to cover them and try to protect the sensitive organs.

The man raised the knife to strike. I shut my eyes waiting for the pain, but all I felt was someone's familiar strong, warm arms around me.