Chapter 68

I couldn't believe it, they got me CLUE! It's been so long since I'd played it, my family didn't love the game and would never want to play with me. But now, now it was my birthday and they'd gotten it for me as a birthday present, they had to play it.

We went to the kitchen because the table there was smaller. I set up the game and shuffled the cards, then dealt them out. I explained the rules, because apparently Duma and Raph had never played it before, Raph said that the last time he'd played it was something like thirty years ago. I'd rolled my eyes and smiled at him playfully.

We played for two hours and at one point Mark brought out a thing of beer. I froze and tried not to make to much of a fuss, 'It's just a beer, it's not that big of a deal.' I told myself.

But when he started saying weird jokes that weren't funny and not acting at all like himself, my feet began tapping nervously and I started fidgeting. My heart and breathing sped up and I felt a little lightheaded.

'Calm down, calm down.' When the game finally finished, Nathan had solved it, it was Colonel Mustard, in the kitchen, with the rope, I got up and shakily said thank you for the presents then I sprinted to my room.

I sat in the window seat, it was my favourite place to curl up and hide so far. I wrapped the soft wool blanket around my legs, and pulled my hood up just so that I could see the outside.

The moon was very big tonight.

As I expected Raph came through the door and came and sat across from me, pulling his legs in as he did so.

"You okay?" He asked, looking out at the scenery.

"Mmhmm." I nodded my head.

"No. No you're not."

I looked up and saw his warm, concerned eyes.

I looked down at his feet. 'I suppose that I should tell him, there's no harm in it, other than making me vulnerable. But I'm okay being vulnerable with him.'

I swallowed and started, "I was actually born a twin. Her name was Erica, and she was fun. It seemed like everyone loved her, she just had a natural likability to her." I looked back at Raph and saw him watching and listening, "Ten years ago, my gramma had taken her out for, slurpees or something," I was getting worked up, I hadn't cried about my sister in years, but now my throat was beginning to close and my eyes were stinging, "On their way back they were turning a corner and a drunk truck driver killed them." I was now gasping for air, trying to hold back the sobs. The tears were beginning to stream down my face and Raph leaned forward to wipe them off. He got up and cradled me in his arms.

-The thought of anyone getting drunk makes me nervous, I mean look what happened to you, when you drank too much. And Mark was acting all weird and scary.- I tried to speak in a mind link but I was still too upset, my sobs were becoming hysterical.

"Shh," Raph kissed my head and rested his on mine, "It's okay, I will never let anyone hurt you." He said.

"But you couldn't even protect me from yourself!" I choked out between sobs, I was such a wreck.

"I am so sorry, Brooke." His voice sounded tormented and it pained my heart to hear him so sad.

I blinked rapidly as I watched conflicting emotions cross his face.

"I can't stop anyone else from drinking, but I can stop myself." He said firmly.

I rested my head on his chest, spent from the tears. Since I didn't cry too often and hid most of my emotions inside, every once in a while my body would decide that it was time for me to be emotional. Once I cried three times day just because I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I took in a shaky breath, Raph stroked my back and said, "Are you okay?"

I nodded against his chest. I felt a tension headache coming on, I always got one when I got too worked up or overwhelmed.

He kissed my forehead, "Happy birthday." He said, trying to change the subject. I smiled with my eyes closed, I all of a sudden felt really tired.

"Can I go change and then sleep." I yawned and I heard Raph chuckle softly, my smile grew. I loved his laugh.

"Okay." He kissed my forehead one last time then put me down gently. I walked into the closet and changed into my pjs then went back out. Raph was sitting on our bed reading a file. I crawled in next to him and snuggled against his side.

He stroked my arm, causing warmth to spread from where he touched.

"Did you have a good birthday?" He asked.

"I had a very good birthday." I murmured then fell slowly to sleep.


He looked at his tired mate, her eyes still swollen and her eyelashes damp. He stroked her arm again. He was glad that she'd finally told him about her twin sister, but he hadn't realized that she had such a severe anxiety of alcohol. She'd clearly had a panic attack or a form of one.

He'd told her that he wouldn't drink anymore, and he wouldn't. He could see how scared and jumpy she had been when Mark pulled out the beer.

He thought that it had been because of him, but it was actually from a much older scar. The loss of her sister and grandmother.

He kissed her head and turned off his lamp. He pulled his mate's warm body closer to him and fell asleep.